The message of the end of austerity has certainly gotten through to the Center for Policy Studies. On 10 June, the CPS launched Britain Post-Brexit, a new collection of articles edited by George Freeman and mostly written by fellow MPs in 2010. The CPS rented the largest room in 1 George Street – a spacious hall decorated with gilding and portraits of bearded Victorians – served guests not only delicious sandwiches but also champagne, cream and strawberry scones. Several leadership candidates, such as Sajid Javid and Dominic Raab, have given speeches. Penny Mordaunt has been fidgeting like a mother hen (I wonder if her decision to withdraw from this leadership election might prove her to be the more sensible member of the Class of 2010). Freeman has made big claims that his book provides the party with “a new conservatism for a new generation” and the intellectual tools it needs to fight the rising hard left.


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