20. X -ray eyes (2024)

The last LCD Soundsystem song appeared significantly, such as the response to the call to its first releases: the minimum support from the rhythm and the Mottalene-playing a countryside that remembers their individual song, and losing the edge of my country-in addition to the sound of a spoken word falling off the airport and funny.

19. Movement (2005)

It was clear that the fall had a major impact on the LCD screen, but it was not more than that on the attack of James Murphy, Mark-Smith-ESEC on the so-called “New Rock Music Revolution”, with a lyric quote something of the phone (“I am exploited! “). Electronics electronics such as suicide and the Jewish guitar complete the image.

18. Get harmful! (2007)

As Murphy indicated often, he never intended to have a profession as an artist, just as a product. Get harmful! You wrestle with the unexpected reality of success to accompany a charming, with singer Nancy Wang in the role of the fan: “You can normalize – do you not make you feel life?”

17. Contact Police (2017)

Seven minutes of non-calm guitar inspired by a new wave, and Robert-Freb-H–the antique drum drum machine that hunts ticks is incomprehensible-wanders in a horrific response to Donald Trump’s rise. Words include a group of elderly elderly people, “Trigger Kids and Fakers and some questionable views.”

16. I wanted a blow (2010)

Magician … Nancy Wang and LCD Soundsystem. Photo: Leandro Justen/BFA/Shutterstock

Among the reasons for the LCD screen dismantled the registration company’s pressure to repeat its previous successes, as it dealt with success: “We left on our own … We will not be your children anymore.” It is appropriate, that the sound would be commercial if it does not disrupt it by guitar and electronic effects; Soulwax, in the meantime, completely simplifying the dance hall.

15. You never get tired when I wake up (2005)

A lot of LCD screen album is concerned for the first time in the previous night, but this is very similar to morning (or afternoon) yet. It suddenly lacks in life, soft but mysterious, with a tune that carries a faded hint from the Beatles album around the album of the house. The result is beautiful: the jewel of disregard.

14. How do you sleep? (2017)

There is no reference point in LCD’s screen music at all – Murphy is a student known as music without shame – including the title of the title of the famous John Lennon attack on Paul McCartney. Amid the flourishing drums, the combinations that last, and the explosions of raw symmetry maturity, Murphy seems to be truly made of friendship collapse in the heart of DFA records.

13. Yes (Cass version) (2004)

According to Murphy’s account, yes it was a difficult and long pregnancy. His frustration leaked to the words (“I was tired of listening, knowing that this shit runs”), but the final result was worthy of that: anger, the evil chaos that gradually turned its voice from Disco to the screaming acid house, as if providing a history of vascular music Dancing.

12. Baby (2017)

If you are going to announce your return, six years after disturbing a great farewell at Madison Square Garden, the opening path of the American dream was a very attractive way to do this: a dream dream of committing suicide. -Mood is at odds with the hustle and bustle of Murphy.

A student who taught a lot of music, the student who taught a lot … James Murphy. Photo: Xavi Torrent/Wireimage

11. All I want (2010)

You can easily reject everything I want as the rock of the Registration Association: It is equal parts of the David Boy and Breyan in which here come warm planes. But if there are clear reference points in it, the LCD screen may not be the right band for you. Besides: Who is concerned when the results are exceptional?

10. Dance yourself clean (2010)

The whole thing is now, after three minutes, when the outstanding electronic lament and bloating explode. It is all higher than above, as if you suddenly mocked the sound level control, a very simple and exciting idea that wondering why more people do so.

9. Home (2010)

The last track about what the last LCD album was supposed to be a beautiful thing, with warm electronic arpegios and electric piano, the falling rhythm of the clip, and songs that seem to draw its progress from an unlikely unlikely project to the intimate friendship of the band: “You are surrounded, will not improve, and so on – and so on – Good night. “

8. New York, I love you, but you excite me (2007)

The case of the anti -empire’s empire. A song that looks, unexpectedly, like the lost 1940 happily”.

7. Tonite (2017)

Murphy’s words can sometimes deal with musical journalism, as in this funny examination, for pop tendency in the twenty -first century of Carpe Diem. Is it actually expressing the fear of aging, death, or the future? Her intelligence will not matter without a deadly melody, which Tonite possesses, along with a dirty conservative countryside.

6. A great person (2007)

This is the LCD eating a orgasm cocktail in the heart of many disco music and the wonderful home. The rhythm is paid, the melody with the help of the Glockenspiel bright, but the mood is full of sadness and the words that are considering sadness. Punch packed by origins.

5. North American scum (2007)

A wonderfully contradictory examination of the United States (less fun than Berlin, apparently) and foreign perceptions of its inhabitants (“I know that you will not touch us with a 10 -foot pole”), with a hint of conversation in lyric and musical DNA. Its brand was moved from Funk, and the Basque line is a monster.

Murphy and Pat Mahouni’s performance at the Glastonbury Festival in 2024. Picture: Joe Maher/Gety Imas

4. I can change (2010)

In honor of the early eighties of the last century – you will forgive you to think that you were listening to Yazu when the introduction begins – but instead of focusing on the neon colors practicing this sound, I can change the excavations deeply in their esteemed quality. Despite the promise of the title, you suspect that the troubled relationship will not succeed.

3. Loss of edge (2002)

He is alleged to be inspired by a meeting with a young Pharrel Williams and made to mix games connected to the old Beatbox box, it was a great LCD song for the first time speaking and a love message to a large group of achievement, packed with amazing intelligence and celebration with insecurity affecting insecurity. It is also unconventional like hell.

2. DAft Punk plays in my house (2005)

A fantasy of the French duo for the home that performs at a home party like a local bank, you can read this path as an likeness to the Murphy converted by MDMA from Punk Stight to Dance Fanatic. Either way, it is perforated, unlikely and unlikely like the scenario that it describes.

1. All my friends (2007)

When the LCD Soundsystem appeared with my edge loss – smart, sarki, completely dead – the last thing you expected to make is a mobile friendship and time. But this is what is all my friends. It may have been inspired by the unit in the tour, but anyone can see himself reflected in its desire to reconnect and peeling the years. The message is: Do not worry about tomorrow; Come and tonight. While music moves slowly from depression to euphoria – which is supported by the piano line that owes something in the velvet underground that the man is waiting for – it is a very difficult invitation to reject it.


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