YONSEI University’s health system restarts the Robot Medical Training Center
YONSEI University’s health system expands its training on medical robots to include the Acting medical devices.
She recently canceled the launch of the Korea Surgical Training Center for Surgical Operations, such as the Korea Robot Medical Center in a timely manner for the second stage of the project to support the local medical devices for the government. In 2020, the hospital joined the program, which aims to evaluate and verify medical devices and train health care professionals in their use.
Besides the expansion of the training center, Yuhs said it will also provide advanced education and training in medical robots through external trips to partner companies.
TAN TOCK SENG Hospital reveals the application of joint diabetes CGM
TOCK SENG (TTSH) recently introduced an application on the Portless Diabetes of the Puzud.
The integrated digital diabetes system provides CARB-CGM, glucose reading for a minute separately and features an artificial intelligence agency that can estimate the carbohydrate content of the meal by analyzing images. The insulin sensitivity agent can also be calculated based on a healthy data analysis to provide the Insulin dose recommendations.
“Take” the head[s] Outside of guessing insulin management, “it is said that facing challenges by patients who need multiple doses of insulin. A misfortune in the insulin dose, as it is said, can lead to blood sugar levels higher or abnormal.
Carb-CGM development is part of the latest search partnership in TTSH with CGM Device Maker Buzud.
The Indonesian Regional Hospital for the inclusion of Genai
A general regional hospital in West Java will merge Indonesia the artificial intelligence resource platform in its medical reference system.
RUMAH SAKIT UMUM DAERHANAH Umar WIRAADIKUSUMAH SUMEDANG Partnership with the Doctors ’Network platform to implement its DX platform as part of its digital transformation. It integrates with PubMed, the medical research database that has been reviewed by the global counterparts, to provide access to medical conditions and the latest international medical standards.
“Medical science is constantly evolving, and preserving our doctors familiar with the latest research is very important,” said Dr. ECeng, Director of the Hospital.
DX was implemented for the first time k Learning tool for employees In community health centers across Somedagh last year.