In America, Mother’s Day is somewhat predicted – it is located The second Sunday in May. The same applies in Australia.
Of course, this means that the specified date changes for a few days every year in both countries.
But Sunday in the United Kingdom is much more. In some years, it is located in March, and other years happen in April.
This year, it is located on Sunday 30 March (on the doorstep of two months). In 2024, it fell 20 days before (March 10).
But why is there such a difference?
UK and United States publications of Mother’s Day have different origins
The UK version on Mother’s Day has its roots in the church evaluation and suitable for great fasting.
BBC explains The history of tradition dates back to the Middle Ages, when children who left their homes were allowed to work to return to their families and the “mother” church for a day.
This happened Four days Sunday in the big fasting. Great fasting starts 40 days (in addition to Sundays, which Not considered to be atonement days) Before Easter.
Easter is located on “the first Sunday after the completion of the moon that occurs in or after moderation in the spring”, ” Royal Museums Greenwich He says.
If the first moon falls on Sunday, the Easter will be Sunday after that.
Therefore, all this explains why history often turns. This is also why the UK version officially Motherhood is Sunday, not Mother’s Day.
Mother’s Day is actually the American version of the celebration.
So … how did Mother’s Day start in America?
It was created by Anna Gervis – One of 13 children, Only four of them reached the stage of puberty.
Her mother, Ann Reeves Garfis, organized groups that mothers taught how to increase their children through practices such as boiling water.
“I hope and invite someone to find, at one time, a memorial day for mothers that celebrate the unparalleled service that you provide to humanity in every field of life. It is entitled to this,” Ann Reeves Gervis once He said.
Therefore, two years after her death in 1905, her daughter Anna Gervis I decided to hold A memorial in the West Virginia Church to which her mother was belonged to.
This would help in realizing the vision of her mother, as she believed, Saying today It will be “for the best mother who lived ever – your mother.”
I encouraged people To wear white cloves to show appreciation to their mother. By 1914President Woodro Wilson declared a national holiday because it has grown greatly.
But I did not like the extent of its marketing, Writing in an underestimated writing “Charlatans, bandits, pirates, disappeared, kidnappers and termites who will lead with their greed are one of the most prestigious and most popular movements and celebrations.”
The rest of her life spent In an attempt to restore copyright to prosecute people who saw that they benefit from today’s unfair day.