When it comes to non-attractive tasks, changing the Wi-Fi password in the same group is like providing taxes or renewing your car registration. But such household chores, it is a necessary evil – it is much easier than you think.

If you are like me, you have chosen a password when moving for the first time to your home and preparing you Router I barely thought about it again. Am I right? Well, I am here to tell you that it is a good habit to change this password on the basis Password For the Wi-Fi network in your home.

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Moreover, keeping a strong password for the Wi-Fi network in your home is more important than ever, as many of us continue Work from home And fill the place with all types of connected tools and tools. Good password will help keep your devices safe, and you will prevent people from using your network without realizing it. Here’s how to update you. (And if you are trying to choose a strong password appropriately and remember it, Check these nine rules for safe passwords. We also got tips about The best place to put your router for the Internet speed faster))

Does the router or the Internet service provider provides an application where you can change your password?

Almost every router comes with these days with an application associated with helping to guide you through setup, and applications such as those usually allow you to log in to access your router settings as well – including network name and password. In addition, most Internet service providers Provide an application to manage your account, and if you rented the router or gate from the Internet service provider, this application is likely to include quick access to your network settings as well. Either way, download the corresponding application and login will be faster and the easiest way to change your network password.

Your router companion screen shots.

Most routers come with a free facilities application that will guide you by setting up and providing rapid access to network settings. Usually, this includes the ability to update the network name and password.

Ry Crist/cnet screenshots

You have included links to the most common network control applications below – just discover the type of router you use, then click Android or iOS depending on the type of phone or tablet you are downloading on the application. Once you download it, open the application as it is connected to your router network, then follow the instructions for creating an account and log in. From there, the option to change your network name and password should be distinctive in the application settings section.

There is no application? No problem. Access to your router settings

If your router does not provide an application, or if you don’t want to use it, you will need to access your web guidance settings. Most manufacturers keep a web site that allows you to do so exactly – your device must be connected to any network that is currently offering your router when trying to log in (either wire or wireless connection to the right). Here are some of the factory links for these websites:

(Note: Not all links above may be loaded to you, depending on the manufacture and style of the router you use.)

In most cases, you can also go to your router settings in the web browser by writing its IP address in the URL (actually, the link from Linksys above just re -directs you to the Linksys virtual address). To find the IP address of your router, contact its network on your computer, phone or tablet, then go to the network settings on this device. Drag the details of the router network, and you should be able to find the IP address of the router listed next to the “router” or “virtual Gateway”.

An closest to the bottom side of the router.

With most routers, you can find the printed virtual login information on the bottom side. If you are struggling to call, this login information should work after a fixed reset (you may need a paper clip for that).

Chris Monroe/CNET

If this is the first time that you are logging in to set your router settings, you may be asked to create a password, which is a password separate from those that allow you to join the network (those you are trying to change currently). If the password is already assigned to this, you will need to enter it in order to reach your router settings. If it is using it, your router must have a user name and the virtual virtual official password in the bottom of the device – if these do not make the time you tried to log in).

Do not remember what is the official’s password? Don’t worry – you can reset the original official accreditation data by giving the router reset, which may require pressure on a button with a paper circuit for a few seconds. Just make sure to change again to the official official’s password stronger after you enter – this time, write it on a sticky note and hit it down the router. The future will be very grateful.

Once you log in via the router’s web portal, you should find easy access to all basic network settings, including the option to change the network name (SSID) or password. After doing this, be sure to find a button to save your new setting – once you click this, you should all be set.

I have changed the Wi-Fi password. Now what?

Now the annoying work comes a little to re-connect all Wi-Fi devices in your home with a new updated password. This was not a big deal when the only things that most people were calling their home networks were a computer or two and perhaps a printer. Now, with mobile devices for every family member, gaming units, Security systems And the flow of devices that depend on constant contact with the web, and a large group of Smart household items Watch in most homes these days, re -connecting everything is a completely new ball game.

Yes, logging in to all these devices and updating the password is so that they can contact again a bit full – but please, do not let this prevent you from updating the password of your home network when the time comes. The Wi-Fi password updates actually leads to an ideal opportunity to adjust the device settings and upgrade the fixed program for all technology around your home, which is a good good for technology. I think about everything like the annual monotonous work Closer to spring cleaning (Or in any seasonal cleaning) it feels suitable – and like any good cleaning session in the spring, once your work is completed, you should hesitate to sit and relax and enter yourself on scratching from the list.


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