Everyone, including I, has a podcast now-so it is difficult to discuss Gavin Newhew, the governor of California, to indulge his right that God gave to producing audio content. “This is Gavin Newsom” is five episodes in its race, and outside an emergency update of four minutes on the Manendez Brothers trial and a long conversation with the ruler Tim Walz, each episode included an interview with news in the oceanic interviews, Charlie Kirk, Michael Savage and Steve Banon. “The goal of all of this is” to address difficult questions, participate with people who do not always agree with me, discuss without insulting. “NEWSOM seems to think that ordinary Americans have been tired of polarization and want to see ideological enemies find common ground.
I will be honest: Even the Walz episode (more about it in a moment), “This is Gavin Newsom” was the strangest political podcast that I heard at all. Not a good way. In the first four episodes, Newsom appears to be unable to interrogate any right-wing position-whether on customs tariffs or ban books or transit women in sports, box or chaos on the border. It seems to be an extension to describe these rings as interviews, because newsom seems somewhat interested in what his guests say. Bannon, for example, says more than once to newsom that the 2020 elections were stolen from Trump. Although Bannon admits to pass that news does not agree with him about Fraud’s claim of elections, newsom advances zero to the idea and behaves as if he had not heard it.
What the episodes really offer is an opportunity for newsom to say that he agrees with many conservative talk points, including the injustice of competing women in sports, the weak Kamala Harris campaign, and unnecessary distortion of a white man. These soft electoral spots may be the liberals, and may require some discussion or even a transformation in the correspondence. But newsom does not present his own ideas on these topics as much as he presented his ideas with his guests. He makes some depositary objections on equality in marriage and tax policy, and says something brief on sympathy for converting athletes who are believed to have to be allowed to compete. But the impression that the podcast has so far left is that the democratic ruler of a deep blue state is often consistent with everything Kirk and Bannon thinks in this country. Throughout the episodes, he claims to “appreciate” this point or the point raised by his guests – to the extent that Kirk, the founder of Turning Point Usa, later said, on his own pod, believes that newsom is “excessive in revenge.” When Newsom offered the accidental rejection, he added that he wanted to “test stress” on the claim that Kirk had given it, as if news, more than fifty -seven, is more populated in the country, was a McKinsey consultant to give careful advice to a strong customer who does not want to hear any real criticism.
It was interesting to hear the standard Fox News interview that Kirk, Savage and Bannon enjoyed, because this host at least may have stains of internal dispute inside the right and may have returned from time to time. In terms of tennis, what “This is Gavin News” is not vibrant matches, but the scene of one player runs behind each ball, provides service, and calls his own shots, even those that are three feet away.
In his defense, I imagine that newsom did not start podcast in the hope that it would be good. Instead, this is a soft launch of presidential employment in 2028, such as the lukewarm notes that most of them were published by countless candidates in the past. With his eyes probably on this award, Newsom exile as much as possible from the progressive wing of his party, and from any unpopular positions that his political allies may adopt in the past decade. This attempt failed to break down, so far: The show has been shown local And the national media; Capitol weeklyAnd it is a news outlet that mostly covers Sadmanto, Consequence Show a negative swing of ten points in the opinions of newsom among the voters who listened to the podcast. The Republicans said it was “moving”, while many liberals were disgusted that newsom would praise the knee for a person like Kirk, especially with this shameful enthusiasm.
Of course, one opinion should be taken with a grain of salt; At least in theory, it is possible for voters that are swinging, or that the Democrats will abandon their beliefs and vote for the Republican defender in the preliminary elections. But this is unlikely. It may strengthen what I think is still weak in newsom: not liberalism, but perception as a spot and hypocris Corona virus disease-19 locks. Newsom said, in his conversation with Kirk, that dinner was “more moved in my life”, which may be true. (This helped fuel the summons elections, which managed to weather.) But I don’t think there is any way to live in it. People know who Gavin Newsom: San Francisco Liberals, who went to a birthday party in pressure groups while most of his voters stayed inside, ordered the food provided by the main workers, feared their neighbors, illness, and Tofio.
The newsoms, although it is bad and liberated in practice, graduated from a coherent school for liberal thought, which I find more interesting than his presidential chance. This school of thought seems to be as a residence that Democrats need to actively move away from a full set of positions now related to the party. Where is the pure lead policy? Within a few years, will Newsom wake up on stage in Iowa and make a talisman of land -like apologies? I can photograph it: “I, Gavin News, acknowledged an apology and an apology for the support of my former party for crossing athletes, open borders, calming the police, closing schools during a pandemic,” Latin “, and the presidential campaign for Kamala Harris.” Does anyone like it?
Chat from the Governor of Newsom with Walz provides an insight into the cause of the NewSom’s desire to be democratic at all-even if, as with the entrances to the previous four agreement, he often agrees with what his guest says (in this case, about the need for better governance and helping workers). What Newsom offers to Walz is the suggestion that Democrats need to go to “attack”, to respond to the right devil of women, minorities and members of LGBTQ. However, it has failed to explain what this crime will seem to be, and soon moves to more Chitchat around access across the corridor. The ready -made meals from the conversation are that Walz – who speaks frankly about the party’s problems in attracting young people, the ways it failed to rule, and its inability to obtain the credit for the things that its members do well – must be the person who runs for the presidency. Walz notes that the Democratic Party is “united in urinating in the Democratic Party.” A person who can harness this anger is not a person who imagines Kirk and Bannon.
What Newsom and Amavowers there must remember there is that there are still a lot of liberals in America, and that it flows on a group of demonstrators and the most often imagined voters – they are not supposed to wish to vote for the liberal Steve Bannon in flax trousers – not only from the point of view of the election elections but on a personal level. CNN reconnaissance At the end of last week, she found that the majority of Democrats and independents are the Democratic alignment want to “stop the Republicans’ agenda” and stop working with the Republican Party in this same poll-which was conducted before the Democratic Senate, led by Shak Shomer, decided to pass the budget of the Republican Party, to a large extent of opponents. The Republican Party spoils everyone in a line and imposes ideological monotheism with insults such as “RenaultMeanwhile, the Democrats in the Newsom template take their base as a Muslim command and an endless and uninterrupted positions so that they do not stand in exchange for nothing.
When you are very interested in trying to transfer that you are not like other liberals, you will not really have time-even in podcast for an hour-to explain what you believe in. Listening to newsom is assembled by his right -wing guests for three hours, she wondered where his pride went. Why could Bannon not tell Joe Biden that he won the 2020 elections? Why could not tell Kirk that the efforts of the Republicans to transform the athletes who crossed into a national hedge case, in fact, a opportunistic attack on a full group of people? Do he believe in the principles of his party? Can he even name them? Any democratic politician who thinks of a strategy like Newsom may ask these same questions. Because the audience is not stupid. Even those who may want “moderation” do not want this in an endless surrender and cheese. ♦