Recently, the pages of the Guardian have appeared conflicting novels for cold fusion, known as low -energy nuclear reactions (Lenr). On the one hand, Nobel Prize winner Professor Brian Josephson and his participating authors (January 27) argue that Cold Fusion time has come: Companies can “make these reactions operate reliably”, with the promise to “end dependence on fossil fuels”. In response, Dr. Philip Thomas, a researcher at the University of Exter, (February 2), announces that cold merger is a “false scientific margin theory” in violating “the laws of nature.” Any laws, in particular, Dr. Thomas does not say.
However, there is the constructive middle land between the enthusiasm of Josephson and the distortion of Thomas. Lenr advocates often fail to estimate the proof of proof to show new nuclear effects. In general, excessive critics are not well read on Lenr literature and their absence point of view on appearance One of the new fields is an abnormal effect in science. As a result, it contributes to the clear stigma that Professor Cambridge Fakhri calls. “ReputationRegardless, there is convincing Experimental data Strong Theoretical motives To study cold fusion.
We are researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Linner Research Program It is managed by the US Department of Energy Innovation Agency, ARPA-E. Our group continues to repeat and describe the most promising Lenr experiences in close coordination with the original experimentalists and informed them of the theoretical work of the professor of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Peter Haglestein.
Cold fusion can lead to amazing techniques. But we are convinced that the road forward requires a strict and open -minded scientific investigation, not more allegations. Arpa-E Lenr-as a result of Google’s research efforts in cold fusion summary In the Journal of Nature – it is a model in this regard. It balances the highest scientific standards and accurate experimental documents with an open mind on the abnormal cases mentioned in Lenr literature.
In many ways, it is time for cold fusion. Progress in theory and experience made the LENR field enforceable. It is time for scientists colleagues for built and scientific financiers to obtain and support ARPA-E investigations in this promising field.
Yunnan Maysinger
PhD candidate, Cambridge University
Florian Mitzer
Research world, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Laila died
Research affiliated, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Nicola Galvanito
Post -PhD research, Zurich University
It seems that Dr. Philip Thomas is unaware of the current work on cold integration. A good example is the financing of the European Union for five years Cleanhme projectThe recent closing meeting was held at the University of SZCZECIN in Poland. This cooperation included about 40 worlds of many European universities and institutes.
Referring to fears of projects such as “false margin theory”, as Dr. Thomas does, is not fair and not wise. Not fair, because these are serious scholars, they completely realize the laws of nature. Not wise, because we are in a very narrow place. We need new sources of energy -free energy, so we need to search for them hard, even in what many consider unlikely angles. Absolutely, he criticizes such work on scientific foundations, but it is foolish to praise him by calling it names.
I am pleased to show Dr. Thomas to some prominent scientists in this field if he wants to explore more.
Ho Ho
Fakhry Bertrand Russell, Professor of Philosophy, Cambridge