One month ago, President Trump agreed to delay the customs tariff for Canada and Mexico after the two countries agreed to help stop the flow of fentanel to the United States. On Tuesday, the Trump administration imposed definitions anyway, Saying The two countries have failed to do enough – and claim that the definitions will only be raised when the death of the drug decreases.

But the administration apparently put an impossible standard. In actual time, there is no national data on the death of an overdose of fentanel, so there is no way to see if Canada and Mexico have been able to “handle the situation enough” since February, as the White House requested.

Howeard Lottenic, the trade secretary at “We” said Interview on CNBC On Tuesday, noting that such a decrease will be a pre -conditioning requirement to reduce customs tariffs. “But I saw that – this was not tantamount to a statistical reduction in death in America.”

In some way, Mr. Lootnick is right that there is no evidence that excessive deaths decreased last month – due to the lack of such national data yet. It will face its amended goal to measure death again in early April.

But the data during the month of September showed that the death of Fintanel had already decreased by a statistically significant rate, causing the total deaths of drugs at a pace, unlike any seen in more than 50 years of excessive dose death data.

The decrease can be seen Temporary data One of the centers of control and prevention of diseases, which collects death records from the states, which in turn collects data from medical examinations and emphasized in cities and towns. The final national data generally takes more than a year to produce it. But since the crisis of an overdose of the drug has become a major public health emergency in recent years, the Center for Disease Control publishes monthly data, with some holes, in about four months.

The latest figures from this temporary report, which was published in early February, and show more than a year of drug death. An estimated 2,700 Americans died due to an overdose of fentanel in September, according to an analysis in the New York Times of data, a decrease in more than twice this number in May 2023.

Even with the recent discounts, an overdose of the drug remains a major general health problem, killing more Americans more than car accidents or weapons.

Causes of declines are unclear. But many public health researchers are due to the expansion of efforts to expand the scope of access to Naluxone, a drug that can reflect an overdose, as well as more addiction treatment. Others refer to changes in the drug supply themselves – differences in adultery and force can affect the average drug deaths. There is also some evidence that the Mexican cartoon has recently reduced the production of fentanel.

A White House spokesman did not answer questions about Mr. Lootnick’s data sources.

Determining the cause of death of an overdose of the drug is often required to examine toxins and other tests that may take weeks or months. Collecting data from local authorities and collecting them to the national level takes longer.

“It takes some time, because it is a resource problem,” said Bob Anderson, head of statistical analysis and control at the Health Statistics Center at the Disease Control Center. “We are all used to watching” CSI “or” NCIS “where the toxicology is ready in 15 minutes. But this is not usually the way it works.”

It is possible to search for signs in excess dose trends at the local level. But since deaths can collect – excessive doses can rise in one neighborhood if there is a bad group of drugs – it is difficult to obtain a representative image at the national level quickly. Compare the last drug deaths in two fields with more general data: in Cook County, Illinois, which includes Chicago, continues to decline, while he is in King’s County, Washington, which includes Seattle, the death of November.

Even the last temporary data has its neglect. Hawre Jalal, Associate Professor at Ottawa University who studied trends in an overdose of drugs DeathsHe said he was concerned that any more modern figures from December 2023 may be very incomplete to completely understand the national image. He said that excessive deaths from the dose-which rose through the street epidemic-may have simply returned to its upward direction in the long term. He said, “I hope it will decrease.” “I can’t say that yet.”

Under this conservative procedure, it may take years to see if Canada and Mexico have achieved the declared standard of the Trump administration to relief the tariff.

Noah Wieland The reports contributed.


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