Not only threatens the Trump administration’s planning discounts to the National Health Institutes (NIH), the basic biomedical research in the United States, but also ways to live researchers – and some are seriously considering leaving the country.

2 27 January note From the Management and Budget Office, federal agencies ordered the cessation of financing allocations to ensure that they serve Donald Trump’s goals, including “ending” sadness “and government weapons, enhancing government efficiency, and making America healthy again.”

On February 7, the administration implemented a policy that would reduce NIH financing to research institutions by more than two -thirds. Since then, a federal judge has prevented the cuts – at the present time.

Biomedics depend on the national health institutes to finance their work. Many are expected to cover a large percentage of their salaries while granting national health institutes. Scientists who study neuroscience, diabetes, autism and bird flu are emotionally, they spoke to the guardian about the possibility of losing their lives.

Over the course of fifty to 75 years, the national institutes of the largest information Fundamental From biomedical research in the world. Most developments in medicine, at some point, are planted with NIH financing. When we became scholars, we just bought in this system. This is the way you work. He said this long -term support. John TotlethWhich runs a neuroscientist at Washington University in Seattle.

Tuthill was scheduled to present a symposium to the National Health Institutes on February 3, and he has already traveled to Washington, DC, when he was informed that the conversation was canceled due to the direction of the Trump administration ban Communication between federal health agencies and the public. The ban was supposed to be lifted on February 1. It was not.

He said: “This is the pain that people feel inside the national health institutes abroad to influence our rest.”

Totel is now re -evaluating the plans, as it threatens the entire discounts in its specialized field. His parents were planning to move to Seattle to be closer to their granddaughter. Now, they are not sure that it is logical. Totel thinks about jobs abroad.

“If the flag collapses in the United States, it will be very difficult for people to leave the country and get a job, because a large part of the world’s leading scientists are here, and there is no great room for the rest of the world to absorb this,” he said.

Harun Boubal, post -PhD researcher at Maryland University, says that the cuts mean that his academic career has probably ended.

“I am not. [a] Professor so far. I am not a completely independent world yet. Therefore, we lose these grants resemble a full generation of scientists who cannot continue. “

Albal won information Grant This was allowed to continue his research on brain growth and autism while staying close to his sick father.

“Getting the grant was very difficult. He said:” I have failed twice. “

The award was part of an initiative to enhance Dei in neuroscience. Grant web page Since then it has been cleared as part of the Trump administration attack on Dei.

POPAL has always gave priority to an effect on money earning and is now applying for data scientific functions, but it is not pleased with available options, such as helping the bank with human resources. He is considering moving to Canada, where he has a family, but he is a career of his father and does not want to leave him.

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July Bilovsky, who studies bird flu with the Carrie Institute, is already applying for remote work visas in Spain.

And they said: “In my personal case, to be honest, I am concerned that as a transgender scientist, I will be discriminated against because of whom I am.”

Pilowksy hopes that they can continue to search for bird flu abroad, but the discounts in financing the national health institutes can threaten the future of their research as well. Progress in bird flu research is vital.

“I do not want to urge panic. Bellovsky said, before he admits that if the transition from man to man begins, it may be more dangerous than Kofid:” I want to be very clear that there is a lot of uncertainty about bird flu, “before admitting that he is If the transition from man to man begins, it may be more dangerous than Covid. They added that the new breed is more deadly, and remains in the environment for a longer period.

The administration’s decision to leave those who already harm bird flu research.

“Viruses do not care about countries and borders. They do not know that they are present.” We need coordination worldwide in order to stay at the top of what is happening with the virus and learn from each other, “Bellovsky explained.

Luke Norton, an assistant professor looking for diabetes at the University of Texas, is looking for ways to return to the United Kingdom, his country of origin, but he is not sure that he will be able to continue his research there.

“The United States is zero of type 2 diabetes [research]He says. While he feels “lucky” a country to return to it, he says that the return will feel failure. “

“I don’t really want to return,” Norton said. “I worked hard to establish myself here … Now I am a citizen. I have my family here. I have children born here.”


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