The Weeknd revealed that Barry Kyogan was “always number one” in the list of actors for his film tomorrow.
The Psychological Thriller, which is based on the album of the singer at the same time, plays The Griening Lights Hitmaker alongside the Irish actor Keoghan and Wedna Ortega.
In an interview with Variety, The Weeknd, the real name ABEL Tesfaye, shared that he and Keoghan are two Hamiman friends, so Solson’s star was always in his mind for this role.
“He was always first in my role in my role. What makes him different from Gina is that his talent is very raw, it comes very naturally,” he praised.
And the love of the experience, Kyanjan told the publication, “It is very good to cooperate with this close friend, but he is also an artist with a lot of himself through one broker and now directs it across another.”
In addition to his role in the championship, Tesfaye participated in writing the movie with Reza Fahim and surfing director Try Edward Schultz, who also directed the project. Although the details are still under the winding, he participated in being loosely linked to the album, exploring the science of fame and a person who struggles with his feelings.
In his interview, Tesfaye was equally free about his partner in Ortega, remembering a moment when the Scream star surprised them in Mashhad.
“Gina brought a lot of depth to the character,” he praised. “There was a scene where Trey looked at each other like,” on paper, this is ridiculous – how would it be translated on the screen? And she said, “I have an idea.” I led this entire scene – none of them was tested, and many of my reactions in it do not behave. “
Tomorrow in the United States will be released in May.