Black Lives Matter, demonstrators in New York City, November 2015.Andy Katz/Zuma Press

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The 12 -year -old police officer was at a Cleveland Park in November 2014 Firing“The Cleveland Police Chief” said at a press conference on Tuesday. The decision comes two and a half years after the killing of rice. Officer Timothy Luhaman was shot to shoot Rice, but because of lying on his job request about his disciplinary record in the former police station, according to the end documents. (Another officer was suspended on the 10 -day shooting site.)

Lohamman, who started work in the Cleveland Police Station in early 2014, failed to reveal that although he left his job voluntarily in another section, he was allowed to resign after a series of incidents that the supervisors considered unbelievable He also did not disclose that he failed in a written examination to work in the second police station.

Locman fired Rice after he and his partner responded to the 911 call of a person in a garden waving a gun. His death became an early test of Black Lives Matter. A video of filming showed that Lohamman shot the child, who was carrying a Pele’s pistol, a game, within two seconds of reaching the scene. The Grand Persons Authority rejected the charge of the relevant officers.

One of the missionaries who led to the initial 911 call was suspended in March for her failure to tell the respondents that the caller said that the person carrying the gun might be an event and that the gun might be fake. June 2015 Mother Jones The investigation revealed how this failure contributed to the death of the child.


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