Brian JamesFounding guitarist with LavishHe died at the age of 70.

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The news was broken yesterday (March 6, 2025) via Jones. Official Facebook page.

Jones wrote the first evil song in the United Kingdom, “A new roseFor the sake of the cursed, he became a major songwriter in their first album Cursed cursed And its follow -up, Music for fun.

After leaving the later, Jones shape short -lived Tans Youth MonasteryBefore cooperating with Stiv Bators from Dead boys to The princes of the new church.

After three studio albums with Lords of the New Church, Jones continued to form Fallen lips and Brian James Gang. He also played with Iggy POPand Saints In Blasis Besides Wayne Kramerand Cleem Burkeand Stewart Kobland and Duff Makin.

James returned to his cursed articles in 2013, when he toured the UK with his former colleague in the band Scabies And recording the damned songs of his album, Cursed if you do.

In 2022, James did not reunite with scabies, Reasonable leader and Dave Vanian For living dates in the United Kingdom.

Talk to uncut In January of this year, captain captain and scabies were reflected at the time of James with the later.

“It was clear that the jam [Brian] Hasel said: “He had a complete vision, and he could see something amazing to come.” “No, no one believes, we think we are putting a punk group together, whatever that.

“He played for me two or three songs, including” New Rose “on the vocal guitar. Until then, it seemed completely different from what was happening at that time – all this shit that was using me nuts on me Test test. Bob whisperedand Emilio Harrisand A little feat. I could not carry the countryside. Then what? Glam had ran his path, and all I left was that Turgid Stadium Prog, Genesis and yes. What was Brian, I had to go. It was radical. ”

Al -Jabb said: “Brian was running his hand along all a mA control, and he turned on everything full, as you know, he is in his fingers.” “It does not matter what the guitar you offer to, it will still look like Brian. Most of my voice revolves around using a cheap and exciting drum, because this was all that I could bear.”

We were the last generation of guitar/drama player. All we were listening to was about that. It was Keith Moon and Township Houseand Mitch Mitchell and Jimmy Hendrixand John Bonham and LED ziplene. They were all the Drams player/guitarist. I don’t know who is the player of Al -Jaheir. These are the men who are truly lock up and work together and make this exciting voice. This should be. This is what became. People were not only later, people say, “You are out of time with the brow, right?”


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