Aside from the symptoms, one of the worst things about awareness or pain is trying to sleep. Although everyone tells you innocently of the importance of comfort, your body simply rejects compliance and it seems that every sleeping situation is trying to … make things worse?!
Of course, there is now the season of peak disease with colds, fear and various viruses that perform tours in our schools and workplaces, which means that many of us do not get a decent sleep every night.
Fortunately, Lisa Arts, Deputy CEO Noms Charity AssociationWork in cooperation with sleep experts in SimbaShe participated in sleeping sites that could help reduce everything from colds and influenza to period contractions, constipation, and urinary tract infection.
The best and worst sleep sites for common diseases
If you have cough, cold or influenza, support yourself
Best position: If you are ready to settle at night (or seize a highly required nap), make sure to sleep on your back with your head and the shoulders are 45 degrees.
According to Artis, this position prevents mucus from assembling in your throat, which can lead to coughing attacks and make breathing more difficult. Use additional pillows or adjustable support pillow for additional support.
Avoid this error: Try to avoid sleeping flat on your back. This can cause mucus stability in your airlines, making crowding worse.
The worst sleep way: The worst thing you can do when a smell is sleeping. This puts unnecessary pressure on your neck and limits the air flow.
If you hold, sleep on your left side
Best position: Sleep on your left side can relieve constipation and relieve IBS symptoms using gravity to support better digestion. Oh, science!
ARTIS adds that this position encourages the natural flow of food and waste through the digestive system, allowing gravity to move the waste from the small intestine to the large intestine more efficiently.
Avoid this error: Sleeping your stomach can put pressure on the organs of the digestive system and make discomfort worse, according to Artres.
In addition, it seems very uncomfortable when you are, uh, are all banned.
The worst sleep wayThe worst thing you can do is to lie on your back. This position may slow digestion and cause bloating, which makes symptoms of constipation longer.
If you have a bug in the stomach, vomiting or diarrhea, sleep on your right side
Best position: “Although there is no scientific evidence, some believe that sleeping on the right side may help reduce the movement of night bowel during diarrhea,” says Artres.
“This position can slow the frequency of the stool by encouraging it to stay in the bottom of the digestive system for a longer period, which prevents it from reaching the colon very quickly and reducing urgency.”
When I am in the midst of disease and diarrhea, I will try anything to relieve it. I noticed a lot.
Avoid this error: Although this may seem to be the only logical option, Artis says that nets should be avoided in a narrow fetus. Unfortunately, this position can compress your abdominal area, which increases discomfort.
The worst sleep way: Sleeping your stomach can make diarrhea and nausea worse because it can press your stomach and its organs.
If you have urinary tract inflammation, relax and raise your legs
The best position: In the news that has really become a satisfaction, Artis recommends that if you have urinary tract infection, the best sleeping position is on your side in the position of the comfortable fetus or on your back with the legs a little.
It shows that this position relieves pressure on the bladder and enhances the relaxation of the pelvis, which can reduce discomfort.
She also adds: “Get a hot shower and put a hot water bottle on your stomach or between your legs for 15 minutes before bed.”
You don’t need to tell me twice.
Avoid this error: Once again, Arts emphasizes that you should not sleep on your stomach.
When it comes to urinary tract inflammation, this is due to the fact that this position achieves heat and pressure in the pelvic area, which may exacerbate the symptoms.
The worst sleep way: Arts urges that if you suffer from urinary tract inflammation, you should avoid tight night clothes and wear a thong underwear in the bed.
This is because E. Coli, the most common bacteria in the colon and the main cause of urinary tract applications, can easily cling to the back chain of the thong.
“Even minor movements during sleep can cause the material to shift, which is likely to transfer the E. Coli bacteria near the vaginal area,” she added.
If you have a period of cramps, put your pillow at work
Best position: Artress says that if you are suffering from spasms for a while, you should try to sleep on your back with a pillow under your knees or on your side with a pillow between your thighs.
“These situations support the alignment of the pelvis and improve blood flow to reduce pain,” she added.
Avoid this error: It is completely flat on your back. This position can be drawn in the lower back and aggravating the bloating.
The worst sleep wayTightly spiral ball. While this is tempting, this can restrict blood flow and increase muscle tension.
If you have a migraine headache, be sure to neutralize your neck
The best position: If you suffer from migraines, try to sleep on your back with your head and neck. A steady supportive pillow is essential to maintain the backbone in a neutral position, which reduces tension that can increase migraines.
Avoid this error: Using a lot of pillows or excessive pillows can push your neck from alignment.
The worst sleep way: While screaming in a pillow until it runs out, it appears to be the only logical approach to the worst migraine, the worst sleep mode is face to face. This pressure your neck and can exacerbate migraine symptoms.
If you have kidney stones, switch your positions
Best position: Arts recommends: “Research indicates that the most effective way to relieve kidney stone pain during rest is to lie on your side with your knees slightly bent.
Studies also indicate that this position improves blood flow, which may help pass the stone more easily. For more comfort, try to sleep on your back with a pillow under your knees to reduce kidney pressure. “
Avoid this error: Fetal mode, because this can also increase the pressure on the kidneys and increase the pain.
The worst sleep way: Sleeping in the same position for a long time.
“Sleep may increase on one side for a long period of the risk of kidney stones on this side Research from the University of California, San Francisco.
βIn a study that included 110 people suffering from frequent kidney stones, 93 firm sleeping sides had. Among them, 76 % of stones developed on the same side they slept. The researchers found that the link was stronger for people sleeping on the right side, where it was 82 % make stones on the right, while 70 % of sleep on the left side had stones on the left.
If you have acid reflux, the left is the best
Best position: If you are wrestling with acid carrots, we wish your left side with the height of the upper body. This position keeps the contents of the stomach under the esophagus and reduces acid reflux. Adjustable head lifting can enhance comfort.
Avoid this error: Although it may be tempting after a big meal, try to avoid lying on your back after eating. This allows the acid to flow again to the esophagus.
The worst sleep wayOn your right side, because this will increase the symptoms of acid reflux.
If you have an infection in the ear, be sure to rise
Best position: If you are in the labor labor, it is better to sleep on your side with the affected ear. This enhances drainage and keeps pressure outside the inflamed area. Air flow around the ear also speeds up healing.
Avoid this error: Try to avoid lying completely flat can make ear pressure and pain worse. Tie your head until your affected ear is higher than the rest of your body.
The worst sleep way: On the affected ear. This presses the area and may increase the pain.