The terrifying symptoms that hit victims in the outbreak of mystery in the Congo have been detected.
More than 50 people have already died in the outbreak of the disease, as most patients die within 48 hours of symptoms. A total of 413 people were reported.
The first case was reported in the town of Poloko on January 21, when three children were reported to be less than five years patient after they ate a dead strike.
In a statement, the country’s officials said that patients had suffered a disease similar to bleeding with fever and vomiting symptoms, but then they were subjected to great internal bleeding.
In the report of the local Ministry of Health, the officials added that the first three cases, in children under the age of five years, took a dead strike, who also suffered from diarrhea and fatigue.
Patients have reported the symptoms of pain in the neck and joints, sweating and shortness of breath. In those under the age of 59, severe thirst and children, continuous vision has been reported.
Local officials described the outbreak of “really anxiety”, as doctors said that the outbreak of the disease was “really worrying” and “the importance of the rest of the world.”
It is not clear behind the outbreak of patients, as patients are negatively tested for hemorrhagic fever such as the Ebola virus and the Marburg virus.
The higher workers who wore Hazmat suits in Victoria, Australia, explains in June last year after they were called to reports of bird flu outbreak
About half of the patients have proven positive for malaria, similar to a separate outbreak in the country late last year. Reports also indicate that many patients suffer from malnutrition.
“The symptoms expressed in these infections differ from the annoying infections caused by severe malaria in the Democratic Republic of the Congo at the end of last year,” said Dr. Zania Stataki, the immunity scientist at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom.
“The time caused by the appearance of symptoms to death is 48 hours, which is very concerned.”
“We know that patients have tested a negative for well -known hemorrhagic fever viruses, such as Marburg and Ebola. The causes of hemorrhagic diseases are being investigated,” she added.
It is also not clear how the disease spreads, although doctors say previous hemorrhage has spread by touching fluid from patients.
Marburg or Ebola – other hemorrhagic viruses – do not spread through the air.
The World Health Organization (the World Health Organization) says it is also looking at the possibility of the outbreak of the worker caused by a toxic worker, instead of a virus or bacteria.
Scientists are afraid of identifying more patients in the outbreak of the disease in the coming days.

Marburg has a death rate of 88 percent. There is currently no vaccines or treatments approved to treat the virus

The World Health Organization stated that 431 people were hacked with 53 people in two remote villages in the country’s western anxiety boycott.
Then the cases were recorded in the village of Danda, then the second largest in the village of Bomate – which prompted the number of the case to 400. The local media outlet suggested that approximately 1,000 people were injured.
The World Health Organization warned: ‘An urgent procedure is needed to accelerate laboratory investigations, improve cases of cases and isolation capabilities, and enhance monitoring and communication with risks.
“The distant location and the infrastructure of weak health care increases the risk of more spread, which requires immediate high -level intervention to contain fascism.”
“There is a great deal of uncertainty about this fascism,” said Dr. Michael Heid, an oldest world health research colleague at the University of Southampton in the United Kingdom.
An outbreak like this will speak several times all over the world, and it is usually controlled at a relative speed.
“However, here, it is important that we have hundreds of cases and more than 50 deaths, with symptoms such as a hemorrhage that has been widely reported between these cases.”
He added: “The tests are not 100 percent accurate, and it is possible that with the increase of the test, we will have confirmed nurse causes in some of these samples.
The lack of health care infrastructure in the Democratic Republic of the Congo means that the public health response is more complicated.
“However, the country has been exposed to the outbreak of MPOX and Ebola recently, so it is experienced in treating the epidemics of infectious diseases.”
Experts have long warned of diseases that jump from animals to humans through sites such as wet markets, where wild animals are eaten – described as perfect reasons for pathogens.
One of the nefarious sites in the Chinese city of Wuhan was believed to have played a role in the mysterious Kofid origin.