The billionaire billionaire backed to develop liberation pockets in Central America is imported to the United States, where its supporters want to set the foundation for their own cities governed by companies.
A new pressure group, called it Freedom Cities AllianceHe wants to persuade President Trump and Congress to form the establishment of new special development areas within the United States. These areas will allow wealthy investors to write their own laws and prepare their governance structures that will be controlled in general and will not involve a traditional bureaucracy. New areas can be a test of strange new technologies without the need for government supervision.
Wireless I mentioned recently The coalition was to formulate Congress legislation that would allow it to create a network of its new “cities”. One of the main motives for the creation of these societies is that the new “scientific” and technological development initiatives can be implemented without the need for organizational control. The director writes:
According to the interviews and presentations that WIRED seen, the goal of these cities is to have places where it can have clinical anti -aging and emerging companies for nuclear reactors, and construction can build without the need to obtain prior approval from agencies such as Food and Drug Administration, the Nuclear Regulatory Committee, and the Environmental Protection Agency.
The Freedom Cities is a project for Neway Capital, a company that has participated in the development of Prosperra, which is the private “free market”, a friend of encryption in Honduras. Prosperra has become possible through a special organizational preparation, called a special economic name (or Zed, which was created in the country in 2013 in the wake of a coup supported by the United States. Zedes allows the actors to move mainly to geographically divided areas and write their regulatory and judicial rules.
Prosperra is also part of something called “the state of the network”, an ideological movement in the ancient capital, supported by billions of technology, which seeks to create special cities with local encrypted currencies.
Wire reports on the efforts of the Freedom Cities Alliance to encourage President Trump and Congress to devote their project in federal law. Currently, pressure groups are following a number of different strategies to obtain a kind of law that allows cities developing books:
Tree Joff, the Chief of Staff of the Startup Nation company known as Próspera, tells that other PRóspera representatives who work under a group of supporters called the Freedom Cities coalition, meet with the Trump administration about the idea in recent weeks. He claims that the administration was very receptive.
on Its website on the InternetThe Freedom Alliance claims that although “other countries create new innovation centers, the organizational environment in America has progress.” The site continues:
“Freedom cities are the most daring solution in America to launch the full potential of our nation. By creating areas of organizational clarity and economic dynamism, these specially specific areas remove contracts of bureaucratic accumulation while maintaining basic protection, allowing project owners and builders to move quickly human creativity instead of papers.”
Where will the new “Freedom Cities” be built in America? It seems quite possible to want the network to build it in our national gardens. On its website, the Freedom City Alliance notes that 28 percent of American territory is “federally owned and ready for innovative development.” The type of federal lands is not determined by “innovation”, but most government lands that are not used in cultivation and development of energy are used to maintain wildlife.
It should also be noted that in a video clip released during the presidential campaign, Trump publicly spoke about the use of federal lands protected to build “cities of freedom”. Trump said in the video: “The past generations of Americans have followed great dreams and bold projects that seem completely impossible,” Trump said in the video. “They pushed through an unstable continent and the rest of the cities in the land border.”
Then Trump called for the use of protected federal lands to develop ten new urban cities. He said that these developments “will reopen the borders, hold the American imagination, and give hundreds of thousands of young people and other people who have a new shot in the ownership of the house, and in fact, the American dream.”