For the British, Spain has long been their favorite destination. Thanks to its sunny beaches, vibrant cities and rich culture that attract millions every year, it is easy to know why it is the favorite travel place.

In fact, the tourism sector in Spain I set a new record for visitors with 94 million tourists in 2024, many of them from the United Kingdom. While tourism generates a large economic boost 108.36 pounds sterling (133.73 dollars) in Spain, it also raises major problems, such as excessive visits, high home prices, and weights of community resources.

Because of excessive tourism, there were several blocks Protests Throughout Spain, including the Canary Islands. Local residents are demanding the tightening of tourism regulations.

Excess tourism problem

Reports indicate that a third of the Spaniards feel frustrated because their local region is full of international tourists. One of the residents said in an interview with a local newspaper He said“We want people to be civilized and understanding, and if they see that there is no place to park, they leave, and we all must do in any city.”

In response to the growing concerns, the Spanish authorities have launched new measures to control this increasing issue. In this month, Malaga, the preferred city of British vacationers, carried out a new procedure called by some “tourist embargo”.

However, the name is misleading. The law does not prevent tourists from visiting the city. Instead, it prevents the registration of new rental rents in 43 of the most popular areas in Malaga.

While this may seem disturbing for the British who love the city, it is unlikely that these new restrictions disrupt your travel plans. Here is everything you need to know about the latest restrictions and how it can affect your next Spanish vacation.

Malaga prohibits new holiday rents: What does that mean for the United Kingdom?

Recently developmentThe city of Malaga, a major destination in Costa del Sol, has banned the recording of new holiday rents in 43 regions.

Malaga, one of the most visited cities in Spain, witnessed this year’s protests against group tourism.
France Press news news

The new and important procedure came into effect on January 14. The project aims to address the increasing problem of excessive tourism by reducing the number of rented real estate in the short term that crowds the population and overwhelms the already crowded Malaga areas.

Now, for tourists in the UK, there is no need to panic. You can still reserve Airbnb, hotels and other accommodations throughout Malaga and all 43 affected areas. According to what was reported, there are already more than 13,000 rental rental rents in the city, which will not be affected by the new guidelines.

The main change is that the new rented real estate for holidays – especially those that do not have independent access – will be prevented from registration. However, it would be good to check again whether the residence place where you plan is affected or not.

Real estate rental licenses that do not have separate access and resources will be canceled from February 22, so check the presence of updates from the host or your reservation platform.

Other Spanish cities offer a similar ban

Malaga is not the only city in Spain with strict action against short -term rents.

Over the past 12 months, Alyante and Madrid have imposed a prohibition similar to the management of tourism numbers. Other cities such as Seville are expected to follow. Spain’s efforts to treat excessive tourism aim to reduce the pressure on local infrastructure, housing markets, and the environment – the issues that have become increasingly noisy in the main tourist destinations in Spain.

While these measures protect the population, visitors are still able to experience cultural landmarks in Spain and its beautiful coasts. Travelers can book hotels, registered rented real estate, apartments and other accommodations throughout the country’s most popular tourist destinations.

Increased paper business for tourists in the United Kingdom in 2025

The updated rental regulations may not affect the travel options for the UK, but they need to understand the requirements of the new documents for Spain this year.

Landscape of Garabchiko city in Tenervi, Canary Islands, Spain
Landscape of Garabchiko city in Tenervi, Canary Islands, Spain

the Spanish Ministry of Interior Place a new list that requires visitors to provide comprehensive reservation information for the accommodation and rental of vehicles. You must provide all your data, including bank card information, as well as accommodation details and family link details between each other.

This step, which entered into force late last year, has caused criticism. Several visitors have expressed their disappointment, because the additional paper works may make the process take longer.

However, the Spanish government said it has introduced the new base to combat criminals working in the tourism industry, and is likely to remain valid in the foreseeable future. To prevent delay, be ready to provide this information when the reservation is done.

New laws in Spain must be known to tourists

If you dream of buying a holidays or permanent residence in Spain, the prices will be slightly higher for residents of the United Kingdom.

According to another ReportsThe Spanish government has presented a new tax law that obliges buyers from outside the European Union, including the British, to pay 100% tax on real estate purchases. Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez announced this change earlier this month as part of a greater effort to address the country’s ongoing housing crisis, which thwarted the local and foreigners looking to invest.

However, you should expect to pay more if you intend to rent a holiday lease. Spain also increases taxes on short -term rents, so your ordinary home or your holiday house may witness an increase in cost. It is a step aimed at helping the housing market, but it may in turn affect your travel budget.

And if you have planned to swim late at night on the beaches of Beingorm, you may need to rethink this idea.

new law Anyone is now prevented from going down to the beach or swimming between midnight and 7 am. So, if you hope to enjoy quiet swimming in the middle of the night, you will not be lucky. Those who are arrested may face exorbitant fines ranging from 650 pounds to 1020 pounds, so it is better to adhere to the day hours for your beach adventures.

Do other countries also address excessive tourism?

It is not only limiting the flow of tourists to Spain, as many tourists are very popular Destinations It is now taking tougher measures to treat excessive tourism and its negative effects.

Colorful houses in Manarola, Cenk Ter, Legoria, Italy
Colorful houses in Manarola, Cenk Ter, Legoria, Italy (photographed by Jacob Zerdziki from Pixels)

Italy suggested, for example, imposing a tax of 21.25 pounds sterling on the most expensive hotel rooms, and the gun will impose a fee of 4.25 pounds sterling on the daytime hikers visiting the historical center. Portovino imposes a fine of 233.75 pounds sterling on tourists due to the obstruction of the infantry areas, while Rome banned naked sunscreen and chaotic food near the attractions.

Sardinia, known for its quiet tourist points, imposed exorbitant fines to disturb her protected beaches, and Florence banned short -term rents in its historical midfield.

In Greece, Athens set the number of acrobolis visitors by 20 thousand per day, while Santorini and Mondos reduced the number of tourist ships.

Meanwhile, Bali imposed a tourist tax worth 8.20 pounds to reduce sabotage behavior, and Japan’s Okinawa has placed a maximum number of visitors to maintain wildlife. Amsterdam limits river trips and imposes a ban on the construction of hotels to control the number of visitors.

Will these restrictions affect your trip to Spain?

Despite these new rules, Spain remains a great destination for British travelers, with its beaches on the Mediterranean Sea, its rich history, and its global food. For the British heading to Malaga or other parts of Spain, staying on these changes is necessary.

It is unlikely to prevent the prohibition of rent during the holidays travelers from reserving their usual places of residence. Although additional paper works may require more time while preparing for travel, it is unlikely that holiday plans are unlikely.

For those planning to visit Spain in 2025, staying in view of the latest requirements and monitoring reservations will be necessary.


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