The video on Friday is your weekly collection of wonderful robots, which have been collected by your friends on IEEE SICTRUM Robots. We also publish a weekly evaluation of the upcoming robots for the next few months. please Send us your events To include.

German Robocup is open: 12-16 March 2025, Nuremberg, Germany
German robotics conference: 13-15 March 2025, Nuremberg, Germany
European robots forum: 25-27 March 2025, Stuttgart, Germany
Robosoft 2025: 23-26 April 2025, Lausanne, Switzerland
Icuas 2025: 14-17 May 2025, Charlotte, North Carolina
ICRA 2025: 19-23 May 2025, Atlanta, Georgia
Humanoids summit in London: 29-30 May 2025, London
IEEE RCAR 2025: 1-6 June 2025, Toyama, Japan
2025 Power Summit drones and robots: 16-18 June 2025, Houston, Texas
RSS 2025: 21-25 June 2025, Los Angeles
Eth Robotics Summer School: 21-27 June 2025, Geneva
IAS 2025June 30 – July 4, 2025, Genoa, Italy
ICRES 2025: 3-4 July 2025, Porto, Portugal
IEEE World Haptics: 8-11 July 2025, Suwn, Korea

Enjoy videos today!

There is a huge amount of innovation and development capabilities in the field of human cooperation Robot-and we are excited about the version of Meta Partnr, a research framework that includes a large-scale indicator, a data set and a major planning model for additional jumping in this exciting field.

[ Meta PARTNR ]

Humanoid is the first company of artificial intelligence and robots in the UK, as it creates pioneering, developed and safe human robots.

[ Humanoid ]

To complete our review sheet, “The Great Challenges to deceive soft robots”, we offer a group of soft burrows, both organic and robotic. Soft objects use specialized mechanisms for penetration in granular media, which inspired the design of many soft robots. To improve the effectiveness of deception of soft robots, there are many major challenges that the alain should address.

[ Faboratory Research ] in [ Yale University ]

Three of the small moon preservatives were filled in NASA’s jet laboratory in the first stage of their multi -stage trip to the moon. This demonstration is the size of a bag of bag, along with the base station and camera system that will record its flights on the surface of the moon, a technical show of NASA technology (automatic, independent cooperative distributor).

[ NASA ]

[ Mentee Robotics ]

How do you like auxiliary robots? One of the automatic weapons associated with a wheelchair to independent robots that can capture and carry things on their own, auxiliary robots make a real difference in the lives of limited portable people.

[ Cybathlon ]

Robots cannot make interactive manipulation and often work in an open loop while interacting with their environment. Thus, the current tampering algorithms are either very ineffective in performance or can only work in very organized environments. In this paper, we offer a closed loop control for a complex processing task as the robot uses a tool to interact with objects.

[ Paper ] via [ Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories ]

Thank you, Yuki!

When the present future becomes, everything is possible. In our last campaign, “The New Normal”, we highlight the journey that the cyclists try from seeing Waymo first to enjoy the magic of their first journey. How do you feel the first ride about the way you think about the AVS capabilities?

[ Waymo ]

[ UCR ]

Although robots are just tools for us, it is still important to make them somewhat expressive so that they can better integrate into our world. Therefore, we created small fees of a wake up – one that he implemented by herself!

[ Pollen Robotics ]

In this direct illustration, the OTTO AMR expert will go on the main differences between AGVS and AMRS, with highlighting how to face OTTO AMRS challenges that cannot AGVS.

[ OTTO ] by [ Rockwell Automation ]

This Carnegie Mellon University Robotat Institute from Aaron Johnson from CMU, on “uncertainty and communication with the world.”

With the transmission of robots from the laboratory and the factory to more challenging environments, uncertainty becomes in the case of robot, dynamics, and real contact conditions. In this hadith, I will present some modern works in dealing with uncertainty in dynamics and conditions of communication, in order to reduce this uncertainty where we can, but also generate strategies that do not require perfect knowledge of the global state.

[ CMU RI ]

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