In this paper, we introduce the idea of positive-sum equity and argue that greater inequalities are not necessarily harmful, as long as they do not come at the expense of the performance of a specific subgroup. Overall performance, normative justice, and positive justice were analyzed for four models, each of which made use of sensitive features in a different way.
Our study highlights the need for a nuanced understanding of justice measures and their implications in real-world applications. Good integration of medical knowledge is critical when using sensitive information and accurately assessing fairness, especially in cases where models may show significant variation in performance.
Where traditional approaches often aim to achieve equality, positive-sum equity focuses on fairness, pushing each group to achieve the highest possible level of performance. This can lead to better overall outcomes, because it encourages meeting the specific needs and challenges of each group without diminishing the quality of care provided to others. But, because it is defined as an optimization problem, it may also have unintended side effects because it may inadvertently prioritize larger or more well-represented groups by focusing efforts on groups with a higher impact on overall performance rather than groups with a more significant impact. . needs. Therefore, it is worth noting that meeting the positive-sum fairness criterion alone does not guarantee that the model is fair from an equality perspective, and using this idea in conjunction with other measures can give a more comprehensive understanding of model fairness.
Since positive-sum fairness is a relative measure, it requires the use of a baseline. Additional work in this area will include developing a more robust baseline or adapting the approach to eliminate the need for a baseline. It would also be useful to compare models tested out of range, and include other sensitive characteristics such as gender and age, while accounting for confounding factors.
Disclosure of interests. The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest with respect to the publication of this paper.
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