In Robert F confirmation sessions. Kennedy Junior, starting on Wednesday, is expected to be closely interrogated by his controversial views on vaccines.

For years, Mr. Kennedy asked about the safety of vaccines, including that of polio and measles, and they are still hurting children. Recently, he said he is not planning to capture vaccines away from Americans but wants to issue safety data for the public – although almost all data is already available to the public.

The contradictory views of Mr. Kennedy extend beyond the vaccines. As the Minister of Health and Humanitarian Services, it will have a tremendous impact on health policy, even on issues that are usually under the control of the state, by reducing financing for some programs or raising others.

Here’s the truth about some of his allegations.

This is a mistake. Mr. Kennedy number is outside the size of size.

National Diabetes statistics report estimated In 2021, it was about 35 per 10,000 children and adolescents less than 20 years old – or 0.35 percent – diabetes diagnosis. last Ticket I found that 0.1 percent of young people from 10 to 19 suffer from diabetes in 2017.

Mr. Kennedy seems to mix type 1 diabetes, which is autoimmune disease, with type 2 diabetes, which can result from an unhealthy lifestyle. It is right that new diabetes – both types – are In height. But the spread of teenagers is still much lower than adults and increases with age; The highest spread rate, 29.2 percent, is among the 65 and above adults.

In a later comment that included diabetes, Mr. Kennedy said: “These children now depend, as you know, on insulin treatments and diabetes, on the treatments of chronic diseases for the rest of their lives, and this goes bankrupt to our health care system.”

While diabetes is a warning sign for diabetes, most cases do not require insulin therapy and can be reversed with lifestyle changes, including Weight loss is modest. Prediales, too, rises. on 28 percent Among adolescents are diabetics.

This is a mistake. Every year, scientists track the effectiveness of the annual influenza vaccine. Every year, dozens of studies document the effectiveness of the vaccine against hospitals and deaths. The fine numbers differ, but the results always show that the vaccination is useful.

Influated influenza vaccines Not The live virus, and nasal spray vaccines contain a weak virus. No type can transmit influenza.

The composition of the influenza vaccine is usually determined in the spring, based on the dominant variables in the southern hemisphere at that time. In some years, the vaccine that is produced is an excellent match for viruses that appear in the fall, and in other years, the best of scientists.

As a result, the event may range from 30 to 90 percent, depending on the age group and the sub -type of influenza. But even when the event is low, the vaccine can shorten the duration and severity of the disease.

Because the influenza tends to be more severe in children under the age of 5 years and in the elderly, the vaccine is Especially recommended – Not authorized – for these age groups. Since the influenza vaccine was served in 1945, the average life expectancy, including older adults, has increased steadily.

This needs a context. Mr. Kennedy is partially right. One in 36 American children are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (one out of every 34 years of children). and In CaliforniaAnd one in every 22 children suffer from autism.

But autism is a spectrum, and the majority of personalities can participate in sports, write hair (if they tend to a large extent), and pay taxes, history and marriage; Many parents. The list of people with autism includes success Athletesand Bookand Actorsand Activistand Artistsand Politicians And even Elon Muskthe The richest man In the world and the head of the Trump administration government.

Studies indicate that most of the increase in autism diagnoses at the most moderate side of the spectrum, is partly due to the fact that diagnostic criteria have expanded.

What Mr. Kennedy describes is a sub -group of people with autism, about one in four with the diagnosis, who are I was deeply affected. But they are even more likely to harm others. (The spread of deep autism rises, but slowly.)

Mr. Kennedy may not have seen these people when he was a child because at that time, most of them were isolated at home or adding institutionalization, and was wrongly diagnosed with mental illnesses and severe treatment.

This needs a context. First, most countries require children to receive about 20 rounds to enter the school, but these shots include doses of eight vaccines or so (depending on the vaccines used) that protect together from ten diseases.

Even including the recommended and unspecified vaccines, such as the annual influenza shot, children may receive 35 rounds at the age of five. From a mixture product, a separate vaccine is considered.

All vaccines It must meet Strict safety requirements before approval. Even after their approval, Federal officials are monitoring reports of side effects In multiple systems Which analyzes medical records and reports from patients and doctors.

Mr. Kennedy claim that no of the footage has been tested in an imaginary experiments that also need a context. Some of the vaccines currently used against the imaginary medicine have already been tested; Others are the most recent alternatives to the vaccines that have undergone experiences that are controlled by fake before approval.

A newer vaccine is often tested against a certified vaccine – not against the imaginary drug – to show that it is good in preventing the disease. The latest treatments for some diseases, such as cancer, are tested similarly in such experiments, which are called non -religious experiments.

This is because it will be immoral by depriving some children in protecting a trial against dangerous pathogens, as she will refuse treatment for patients who suffer from a disease, by giving them an imaginary medicine.

This is a mistake. numerous studies Ownership to examine this claim and Find To be baseless. On the contrary, the pertish cough can be the same, instead of the vaccine, dangerous Or even fatal children.

In both the two sides, Mr. Kennedy refers to a root vaccine, or a peer cough, which was stopped in the 1990s. The vaccine is made of broken bacteria, compared to the newer vaccines, has been associated with more side effects, including fever, drowsiness and irritation.

But the research did not find short or long -term consequences. According to one large study, for every 100,000 doses of the vaccine, Less than nine She produced a fever on the day of vaccination.

Fever seizures They are episodes that cause high fever and can occur during any childhood disease, including the ear infection; It does not cause permanent harm. Long -term follow -up by many teams has not shown any evidence of brain damage in children who received the vaccine.

Mr. Kennedy is right that one of the team was reported to increase deaths after exclusive vaccination in West Africa. But a series of independent paintings held to study studies unanimously concluded that the team’s data does not support this conclusion.

“In fact, the papers provide fundamental evidence against such a conclusion,” Experts wrote.


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