Remote sensing – a wide category enough to include both personal medical screens and satellite prediction – prepare for quantum promotion, such as computing and encryption before that. A new type of quantum sensor has been suggested and tested, which is more sensitive and more secure in the form of a concept proof. What remains to see is the extent of its wide dependence, and whether these quantum improvements may eventually make better medical and space technology.
Our scheme says two different techniques. ” Jacob DengehamProfessor of Physics in Sussex University In the United Kingdom. It combines quantum connections with quantum sensing. Therefore, it is a way to be able to measure something and restore data in a way that no listening to penetration or si’F ”
Dengeham and PhD student Sean Moore– Now after the doctorate in Lip6 Lam Computer Science Lab In Paris – they are supposed to call them SQRS safe sensor (SQRS) system On January 14 in the magazine Physical review a.
The simplest SQRS model for researchers is used as individual photons such as Qubit from the system, although Qubits used in quantum computing, for example, no of Qubits here needs to tangle. The SQRS model also takes some classic connections on an open channel, between the sender and the future of Qubits. With these components, researchers suggest, one can perform High -resolution measurements whose results are not available, neither for a person who performs actual measurement nor for any possible listening that may penetrate communications channels.
Alice, Bob and SQRS
Say that you do not want to make a measure of remoteness. To make this measurement via SQRS, you will need to send individual photons to Bob, which is located where you want to do the measurement. Bob then performs the measurement, and codes its results on the individual photons phase that Alice sent as part of the operation. Bob then sends encrypted measurement results to Alice via the classic communication channel. Since the method guarantees that Bob does not know the original cases that Fotons Alice sent, he cannot extract any meaningful information from the stage he sends to Alice. It may have been the measurement, but he could not reach the result of the measurement. Isn’t it just that.
In addition, any eavesdropping, Eve, can object to individual photons and classic messages from Alice from Bob to Alice, and you will not be able to expose the meaning from it as well. This is because, partly, the Bob measurement also provides the quantum randomness in the process in ways that Eve cannot return in a reasonable way – Bob could not monitor the system without disturbing the system.
According to More, the proposed SQRS protocol treats a kind of remote measurement where Bob is what the researchers call an “sincere and curious” observer. “The sincere and curious is a specific perspective used in quantitative encryption, as we assume that some party does what was said, [such as not actively trying to leak data]Moore says. “But we do not necessarily want any information.”
Last month, a team of researchers in Guangishi University In Guangzhi, China reported that they are certain SQRS protocol, at least at the level of proof of principle. (However, the group’s results have not yet been published on Arxiv Preprint server online and has not yet been reviewed.)
According to Wei Kejin, associate professor at the College of Physical Sciences and Engineering in Guangxi, the group was able to use a weak lighting source-not even one photon generator, but rather a simpler lighting source, over time, only individual photons take statistically on average.
Kejin says, such sources are relatively accessible lighting, “is generally easier to implement, which makes them more suitable for applications in the real world.”
The Guangxi 6 percent reports of SQRS measurements were wrong. However, Kejin says that the 6 % error rate in preparation is less important than it may appear at first. This is because the statistics improve in favor of the SQRS system with more photons created. “Checks of error correction and privacy are used to distilize a safe key,” says Keigene. “Thus, technology remains viable for real applications, especially in safe communications where high and reliable accuracy is of utmost importance.”
The following steps for SQRS – and their applications
according to Jaewoo JooA great lecturer in the College of Mathematics and Physics in Portmouth University In the UK, which is not suitable for research, SQRS practical application can include one of the quantitative radar. Joe says that reinforced accuracy at the quantum level of radar measurements will be one of the attractions, but no discount or interlocutor can penetrate radar notes. Or, Joe says, doctors can use medical observers at a patient’s house or in a clinic far from a central site in the hospital, for example, and the data to the hospital will be safe and free from tampering or piracy.
To achieve the types of scenarios that JOO describes is very likely to include full networks of SQRS systems, not just the basic SQRS setting, with Alice and One Bob. Dengeham describes this simple,SQRS Constituent Form In a paper published two years ago. In fact, SQRS preparation was that the Guanxi group was working on a trial test.
The most complex SQRS system and networks that are likely to be required is what is described in January Physical review a paper. The SQRS network includes the network Alice along with multiple “Bobs” – which runs its individual sensor, which is performed by each bob of its kind of measurements as in the basic SQRS protocol. The main difference between the basic SQRS and the network connected to the network is in the last system, some Qubits in the system you need to beInterpretated.
Providing networks of interlocking sensors and qubits, Dunningham and Moore Find, Can More enhancement of the accuracy and security of the system.
Denningham says the quantum effects will also inflate the accuracy of public order, with an increase that is proportional to the square root of the number of sensors in the network. “If you have 100 sensors, you will get a 10 improvement factor,” he says. “This type of factors are huge in measurement. People are excited for a few percent. So the advantages may be very large.”
The SQRS network is depicted, for example, Dunningham describes the improved atomic watches in the orbit that provides high -resolution time saves with a high -security quantity protection that ensures that there is no piracy or deception.
“You can get a great advantage of being carefully and also maintaining security,” he says.
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