Democrats were struggling with how to deal with Amazing flood of mono -side procedures next to Donald Trump During the past 54 days, but the deadline for the middle of the night to maintain the operation of the federal government will force them to take a position.

Republicans in the House of Representatives under the leadership of the spokesman Mike Johnson A harsh draft law has passed with deep discounts that were not acceptable to Democrats For many, if not most of them, the Americans, and therefore the choice of Chuck Schumer and his 46 Democratic fellow in the Senate is to agree to this rejected procedure or the closure of the government.

In the past years, the closure fears have been more than the weekend day or so, which the audience would bear. Republicans have the White House and both congressional councils, so they are the officials. But Trump, Johnson and the majority leader of the Senate John Thun and 51 of his colleagues in the Republican Party are all agreed (only Senator Rand Paul is not on the plane) on the parliament plan. Thne needs 60 votes, so the Democrats must do so Either provide the balance or enter the closure in the middle of the night.

Will it be a closure that causes the Republican Party party to fail to settle to reach the level of 60 degrees, or will the Democrats get the reaction due to blocking their voices? We were putting responsibility on the Republicans.

But another account is what is happening in the closure of the Trump and Eileon Musk era? Can their executive powers be strengthened during the closure in determining government jobs that must continue or not? How long will such a closure continue? Perhaps Trump and Musk used to use her for their benefit and keep them allowing them to intentionally launch more people. Or is the scenario that does not need Democrats?

In December, Musk was also a major factor in the last time that the power of spending was ran out and waved on the horizon. There was a carefully made agreement between Johnson, Shomer and Joe Biden, which is outgoing to keep everything in place until today, March 14.

But then Musa intercepted, followed by Trump. The deal collapsed when the fearful Republicans retreated. After that, it had to be overcome together (missing some important pieces) to keep uncle Sam at the night.

But at least in December, there was an agreement of the two parties, on both the initial plan and the post -Musk version. This is not what the country has this morning. The Republicans alone drafted the draft law. Everyone is assisted if the two parties should give up with the opposition, this makes for a better government and this applies regardless of who has a majority.

The Senate of 60 votes are designed to push the members of the Senate towards the center, where the majority of the American people are. This is not what happened with the Council of Ministers in Trump, where 53 fans were quickly detained and all lifted, including some real secrets such as Pete HegSeth, Bobby Kennedy and TULSI GABBARD. Blame the leader of the former democratic majority, Harry Reed, to throw the 60 votes of nominations.

In the House of Representatives, Mike Johnson usually held the Menax conference on the spending plan with Trump as a whip, while maintaining every audience saving one in the queue. This one -party government is the opposite of the move towards the center.


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