Again, the young countryside notes series open to apply! Every three months, with the UK entering a new season, we ask you to send us an article written by a child between 8 and 14 years.
The article should be about The last meeting they faced with nature Whether it is a premature spring flower, a nest building bird or a pool full of pressure.
It is important, it does not matter whether the child is an expert in nature or has never captured a pair of perspectives. We are especially keen to reach teachers who may want to get their class abroad and notice nature.
The deadline for applications is on Monday afternoon March 31.
Six winning posts will be chosen. It will be published in the Guardian and online newspaper – two in March, two in April and last two in May. Then on June 1, the model will be reopened again below, for articles about the summer.
Note that if you send your article early enough, you are an opportunity to publish on March 22.
How can your child participate
First of all, we are looking for children between the ages of 8 and 14, so we will need your permission, as a father or guardian. Then this is what the child needs to do:
Step 1 – Get out one day to where some nature exists. Their local, beach, garden, farm, or simplicity can be the closest park.
Step 2 – Write an article about 200-250 words He tells us What they saw and what happened.
Step 3 – Send the article to us using the form below. We ask you to fill the model yourself instead of the child.
Pictures/graphics This is useful (especially the landscape instead of an image), but it is not a condition for entering. If you have some, please tell us in the “More Information” field, as there is no way to connect it to the model.
Tips and tips for any emerging YCD book
If the child stumbles and does not know what he writes about, here are some indicators:
Writing a good nature begins with the senses – what did you see and hear? What about smell and touch? Take notes when you are out and about unforgettable
How do you describe what happened? Do you remind you of anything?
It is great to search for some additional information about what I saw, and tell us about it as well. For example, if you find an exciting error, know whether you can know the type of butterfly it was, how long they live-any juice packages!
You can think big, describe the entire scene – sky, horizon, scene. Or you can think about small, and tell us some details about the butterfly wings or marks of beetle.
What made you meet you with nature thinking? How did you make you feel?
The deadline for entering is the back Monday 31 March. Anyone can enter his child The ages of 8 and 14 are based in the United Kingdom. You will be contacted by the father/guardian if your child’s piece is chosen for publication, and you will be paid on behalf of the child.
For more inspiration, here are some of the diaries of modern young countries:
Tele, 12, on Starling
Polly, 9 years old, on the noise in winter Woods
Esther, 11, on ivy
Good luck, everyone!
Paul Flkni, the editor of the young country’s notes and countryside notes
We ask that the parent/guardian fill the form below, instead of your child. Your responses are safe as the model and the will are encrypted only can reach your contributions. One of the journalists will be in contact with you, as a parent or guardian, before we publish, so please leave the connection details.
Send your child’s story
You can share your child’s story in the form below.