The Food and Drug Administration announced on Tuesday that a group of washing the nose from Cineoclis has been called out due to pollution StaphylococciBacteria that are likely to be harmful.
Ascent Consumer Products Inc. A lot of sinucleanse soineanse. The nurse can cause staphylococcus infection, which can threaten life.
The company now urges customers to stop using the nose wash immediately.
The summons applies only to a lot of Sinucleanse nose with the following information:
- Product Name: Sinucleanse
- Part number: 024122661A1
- The expiration date: December 31, 2027
In January, Washal Wash was distributed at the country level on retail and online outlets, such as Walmart and Amazon. The product comes in a cartoon trapped with a pressure bottle and 30 saline package.
It treats the woven nasal washing machine that is called in congestion associated with sinus infection, cold, influenza or allergies. The product works by getting rid of mucus, dust particles, pollen and other debris in the nasal passage.
A group of Senoclys of the nose was summoned after the test that it is contaminated with it StaphylococciOr S. Aureus.
S. Aureus It causes the most staphylococcus infections in any bacteria in her family. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 30 % of people carry germs in their noses or their skin. Most of the time, bacteria are not harmful. But if he enters the body, it may cause serious infections.
Using contaminated nose with S. Aureus It can allow bacteria to infection, especially when used by people whose nasal clips cause threats or people with salt. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA
- Spring inflammation, which includes inner heart lining
- These are bones and joints
- Sleep cysts or meningitis
- Bacterial sinusitis, which may lead to eye tissue infections, vision problems, cranial nerve damage, or meningitis
To date, no healthy events have been reported to Ascent Consumer Products Inc. With regard to washing the nose that has been called.
FDA urges consumers to stop using Sinucleanse Nasal Wash immediately and return it to where it was purchased, or thrown away.
If you use nose washing and try any problems, the Food and Drug Administration has been said to contact your health care provider. You must also report the event to the program to report harmful events in FDA on Website.
Customers with Ascent Consumer Products Inc. On from Monday to Friday, from 9 am to 5 pm EST.