NASA scientists have previously estimated that the possibilities of the “city murderer”, the asteroid 2024 YR4, which hit the Earth in 2032, may rise to 20 percent, but the agency never told the public.

According to a statistical analysis, this “worst scenario” could have passed by April.

ASTEROID 2024 YR4 is a satellite rock approximately 200 feet that was first monitored last December.

It was immediately photographed to the upper part of the NASA’s automatic guard risk list, which ranks near Earth’s organisms (NEOS) as long as they collide with our planet.

At that time, scientists estimated that this asteroid had a 1.2 percent chance to recover on Earth on December 22, 2032.

However, during a February 4 meeting of the ICWN, NASA experts made expectations “revealing the extent of the agency’s seriousness in the threat.”

If this space rock will hit the Earth, it will create an explosion to the bombing of 7.7 megaton from TNT and leave a 3000 -feet hole on the ground, the experts say.

This means that its explosion will be 500 times stronger than the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima during World War II.

NASA scientists have previously estimated that the possibilities of the “city murderer”, the asteroid 2024 YR4, which strikes the land may rise to 20 percent, but the agency did not tell the public at all.

In the weeks that followed, the estimated possibilities of direct beatings changed from 2024 years several times, as it rose to 3.1 percent by February 18.

The asteroid got a rare degree of three on the risk of influencing Turin, which evaluates the risk of asteroids between one and ten.

The Turin scale describes this threat as: “a close meeting, and it is worth attention by astronomers. Current accounts give one or greater chance to collision capable of topical destruction.

But on February 20, the possibilities of 2024 YR4, which hit the Earth significantly, decreased to only 0.005 percent, or a chance of 1 in 20,000 for direct impact.

These experts have prompted the level of the level of the asteroid Toro Zero, indicating that it does not pose any threat to our planet.

“You can think about Scare Zero at the Turin level as it indicates” everything is clear. ”

“This possibility will continue to apostasy, most likely decreased further to a smaller fading number. But we do not in any way see that we see the Torino level climbing from scratch.”

Although 2024 YR4 is no longer dangerous on Earth, the fact that NASA was preparing for the most dangerous possibilities in weeks, is not clear, and it is not clear why the agency chose not to share this worst scenario with the public.

On February 20, the possibilities of 2024 YR4, which hit the Earth significantly, decreased to only 0.005 percent. This experts have prompted the level of the level of the asteroid Turino zero, indicating that it does not pose any threat to our planet

On February 20, the possibilities of 2024 YR4, which hit the Earth significantly, decreased to only 0.005 percent. This experts have prompted the level of the level of the asteroid Turino zero, indicating that it does not pose any threat to our planet has arrived at NASA for comment.

What’s more, this is still the asteroid has a simple chance to hit the moon. Telegraph.

The agency said on Monday that this possibility is at 1.7 percent.

We are likely to be able to see such a collision from Earth, although it is unlikely to have any direct effect on our planet.

David Ranken, operating engineer at Catalina Sky Survey at Arizona University, said, “ New world.

This substance is likely to be burned if you enter the atmosphere of the earth, as experts say.

The moon, however, will be left with a strong scar. A direct blow from 2024 years 4 would puncture a 1.2 -mile hole on the moon.

NASA will continue to monitor this asteroid, although the level of threat has decreased to zero.

In March, Telescope James Webb Space will survey 2024 YR4 for a more accurate measurement of its size and orbits, according to the European Space Agency.

In 2028, this space rock will make a completely safe approach to Earth, giving astronomers another opportunity to study its properties.


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