The news that the National Poetry Center in Leeds has proven a great source of pride in West Yorkshire on Monday. By 10 pm on a bitter cold night on ELLAND Road, any concepts that Leeds would get a mood of courtesy of the outstanding performance appropriately, as the Daniel Fark team fought on his way to the last dramatic victory after Wilson Esidor gave the Sunderland the Sunderland leading.

However, if it is hardly poet, Pascal’s alternative will promote you to the top of the championship, leaving two points against Sheffield United, seven of Burnley, third and 10 in front of the Reges Le Press team.

It was a harsh end for Cindeland as their bad habit of waiving the late goals again to chase them. “We want to promote the promotion and the result is difficult, but we can be proud of the way we played,” said Le Press, who was to be exposed to the qualifiers. We are still young and we are still learning. We played the first good half, but Leeds were very good and you can see that they have more experience than us. We need more depth in the team. “

Leeds are now not defeated in 15 league games. Fark was so excited by the Struijk winner that he was booked in the midst of a brutal celebration and fears that he would have to watch the next Monday night match in Sheffield United from The Stands. “This is the best type of victories,” he said. It was a great night, but it was difficult. Sunderland is one of the best aspects of anti -league attacks, and we had to be patient and we had to fight, but this is a big step in our development. I am very proud of my players tonight. “

By the end, Sunderland had lost possession at a very low price, but they started well and Elian Masler quickly called for weapons when Enzo Le Feli slipped into the left and square for the unique to Pelingham to test the reactions to the goalkeeper with a low snapshot that might lack a little strength. When this effort had declined, the bounce declined to Patrick Roberts, but again, Meslier proved the equality of the challenge.

However, Le Fée – a former friend of the Meslier School in Brittany, has once managed the LERINT academy that LE BRIS was once – a notice of talent that once prompted Rennes Rennes 20 million pounds for his services.

PASCAL Struijk heads the late Western winner. Photo: Martin Rikit/Pennsylvania

Although, even at this early stage, Leeds had a lot of possession, Sunderland kept cold and waited. There is definitely enough opening thanks to a long ball from Dan Baldard, which is increasingly ruthless, which transformed the superiority Ethan Imam with experience before directing a wonderful snapshot in the network across both chapters.

Very strong and very fast, and above all, very skilled for Ampadu to deal with him, Zennet St. Petersburg’s striker had a lot to do after he was a female from Leeds trap infiltrated, but the twelfth goal of Issidor in this season indicated that the French would not be in His place in the Premier League.

Farke is not used to abandoning ELLAND ROAD in the tournament, and SUNERAND fans photographed them with arming from “Leeds collapsing again”, turned into Tetchy. Jayden Bogle reserved for a frustrating processing on Belingham after the midfielder connected to the wonderful LE Fée click in the mood.

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Light snow fell in the northeast and West Yorkshire felt almost freezing, but on the field the heat was rising. It is clear that the Farke players were not clearly happy with the boldness of their guests in breaking the Meslier march of six clean leaves in the second layer, but they struggled to understand how accurate revenge.

Manor Suleiman made his best, but although the pavilion sometimes showed him while Sunderland coincided with a barrage of home pressure, Leeds created a few precious opportunities so that the double alternative in a FARC is inspired by the strong Struijk heads after the free Joe Rothwell’s free kick finally , .

In the 95th minute that the duo did again. When I crossed Rothuel, the nearby STRUIGK head reached the back of the network, an unusual rescue law was completely completed, and a high Despell explosion for Kaiser ‘leaders expect that there will be prosperous rescue work from the sound system.

“If you enjoy watching football, you are enjoying watching Joe Rothuil,” said Fark. “Its style is great.”


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