Kathleen Kennedy does not retire … from filmmaking. However, she is looking for potential caliphs to take over in Lucasfilm. This news, and much more, just started from a new exclusive interview with the head of LuCasfilm.

Earlier this week, the news leaked that Kennedy might retire from Lucasfilm by the end of 2025. Delivery dateThe abundant product will not set a schedule for it, but he stressed that they are looking for the next. “I’m not retired,” Kennedy said. “I will never retire from the movies. I will die in making movies. This is the first thing that is important to say. I don’t retire. What is happening in Lucasfilm is that I was talking for some time with both [Disney’s] Bob [Iger] Alan [Bergman] About what the final caliphate may look like. “

“We talked about it [succession]As I said, without stopping over the past two years because for clear reasons, I will not be here forever. “George [Lucas] He asked me 13 years ago to intervene, and now I look at who will replace me. As I said, we have a group of people internally to deal with work, the creative side. The job has also grown since it interfered. There was no flow, there were not many things that I had now. So I grew. “

Kennedy refused to name any of the names of the people who were looking for, but they named names in terms of future Star Wars.

Of course, we know that Mandalurian and Garugu It is the next next movie, in 2026. Kennedy confirmed that Sean Levy (may star Ryan Gosling. Although she did not mention the star) it will follow. It is an independent movie about five or six years after events Star Wars: Skywalker ascending. It produces both.

Kennedy also said that Simon Kinberg has just started writing films in a trilogy, which she describes as “the next repetition, the new epic that transports us to the future.”

She did not mention the movie that will contain Disi Ridley’s return, but she said that James Manguld’s movie is still in the text stage as Tika and Aitete. Kennedy said: “I am still waiting for Taika working with another writer now,” Kennedy said. “He is very busy. I love him, I think if we get a text from Taika, it will be great. I have already seen the first work I loved, but linking it is difficult.”

So there are you. The reports were earlier this week … not 100 % accurate but close. We may hear more about the Sean Levy movie in Star Wars to celebrate.

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