There is a phrase that we sometimes use here in Twitchy when the left comes to a large extent that we cannot help surrender their bitter tears. This word …


If anyone can dump a general collapse that completely embodies this word so that we can see it over and over again, this person is launched MSNBC Anchor Joy Reid.

We can write for several days of recounting all the shameful words and behavior, but for briefing, we will simply say that there was no one on the cable TV, which was more honest and racist. But what causes her to shoot more wonderful is how she always was about all of this. She always thought she was better than anyone else, especially eggs.

Now, it can bring us our coffee.

In the final yearning after throwing the door from the door at MSNBC, Reed participated in a meeting of enlargement where tears – actual tears – were tasted with doubled all the reasons that were dismissed. Our sister,, seized the video in all the glory of Schadenfreudelicious. He watches:

Very funny. It was valuable? for whom?

The assistant who goes out to deliver it is tired, although the kiss of the chef. Mawah.

Of course, not everyone agreed to a large extent that Red created any value, unlike a lesson for Americans on how to do not behave and what he does not believe.


And the well of anyone who believes that we are without a heart to laugh at her tears, remember that Red made her career ridicule “white people’s tears.” She loved her.

Well, well, well. How the rotating tablets turned …

Megain Kelly tied Reed completely after being expelled yesterday, but we are happy that she returned to the arrangement again.

Nobody deserves it more than Red.

It also gained a livelihood condemning the police, especially during the violent BLM riots, but it also laughs at many who were separated due to illegal mandate.

Yes. Every second and then some. We don’t feel sorry for her a little.

This was our reaction as well. Our reaction is still now.

Unfortunately, this is true. But she will not get a salary of $ 3 million annually that MSNBC was incomprehensible.

Who knows? Maybe you will not hold anywhere and remain in forgetfulness.

Look at Don lemon, after all.

Or, as you know, it was not supposed to give it the platform that it had in the first place.

Yesterday, the race colleague in race race Eli Mistal Al -Fadl Reed to give him a television profession.

This fact proves alone that he had never had no value, but rather was in fact a great harm to American society.


Of course, Mystal (and Lunature Keith Olbermann) said that Reed was expelled because of “racism”.

Very funny.

Yes, we can only note that Red had nothing to say about the children of Pepas volatile, as well as Jewish women and children who were brutally killed.

But it was more than happy with Israel’s falsehood of committing “genocide”. mostly.

We have to admit that we laughed loudly when Reed was crying about the fictional 1619 project TRUE The history of America.

But a video on the Internet will not be crying without more importantly, video critic on social media in the world, Justin Batman:

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

This is a very long criticism, so we will not copy everything here, but it is worth reading fully if you have a few minutes. Below is just a brief extract of Batman’s distinguished review:

– The “assistant” character enters with a paper towel paper, and the rest of the lap is tucked under his arm. The director makes a strong choice with this. Instead of standard Kleenex tissue, the material given to YW to stop tears is “super -” difficult “, which means the weight and size of the tears themselves.

Simply great, lol.

This is all true except that MSNBC does not remain an audience.

Reed will not return anyone, but we assume it is a beginning.

The choice of fruits is that all people like Reed believe that illegal immigrants were good, and perhaps cleaning toilets. Of course, their illegal voices. Now that Trump has deported them all, she may have a lot of job opportunities.

Rachel Mado (or is Chris Hays?) Is the following on the cutting block for the failed network. At least, it is likely to take a significant wage reduction very soon.

He – she He should Be rare. Looking at a lot of cable news lists, unfortunately it is not rare.

It is a good feeling, right?

We get that instinct. For any ordinary person, he has a job for reasons other than his misconduct, we will feel bad towards them. Even if we do not turn with them on issues.

But Red is not an ordinary person. It is far from the average person as much as it can be obtained.

She spent years in the MSNBC section for sowing, layer war, and unbridled hatred.

As far as we feel anxious, no one else on television – not even confidence in the brain Scenery – Those who deserve to get the ax more than Joy Reid.

Now, if you are not possible, we will go to watch the video again and copper in the tears of Schadenfreudelicious.


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