• The Jasmy Al -Jasmy Prediction of 2025 is $ 0.02315 to $ 0.05961.
  • Jasmycoin (JASMY) may reach $ 0.2 soon.
  • JASMY for 2025 is $ 0.00536.

In this prediction of the prices of JASMYCOIN (JASMY) 2025, 2026-2030, we will analyze the JASMY prices using accurate technical analysis indicators for traders and predicting the future movement of the encrypted currency.

table of contents


  • Jasmycoin (jasmy) current market status
  • What is jasmycoin (jasmy)?
  • Jasmycoin (jasmy) 24H technologies

Jasmycoin (jasmy) prediction price 2025

  • Jasmycoin (jasmy) levels (jasmy)
  • Jasmycoin (Jasmy) PRICE PRICE 2025 – RVOL, MA, and RSI
  • Jasmycoin (Jasmy) PRICE PRICE 2025 – ADX, RVI
  • Compared from JASMY with BTC, ETH
Jasmycoin (Jasmy) PRICE PRICE 2026, 2027-2030

Jasmycoin (jasmy) current market status

The current price 0.01312 dollars
24 – Change the price 2.75 % decrease
24 – A hour trading volume 84.26 million dollars
The maximum market 648.71 million dollars
Trading offer 49.44b jasmy
All – time is high $ 4.99 (on February 16, 2021)
Everything – low time 0.002747 dollars (December 30, 2022)

Current market status (Source: Coinmarketcap))

What is jasmycoin (jasmy)

index Yasimi
Blockchain ethereum
category Internet of Things (IOT)
Launched February 2021
Facilities Governance, security, gas fees and bonuses

JASMYCOIN (JASMY) is an encrypted currency developed by Jasmy Corporation, a Japanese company specializing in Internet of Things (IOT). The currency works on Ethereum Blockchain and aims to provide a decentralized platform to exchange safe data. By taking advantage of the Blockchain technology, Jasmycoin seeks to improve data and safety for users, allowing them to control their personal data independently of central entities.

The basic focus of Jasmycoin is on Internet of Things and Data Management. It facilitates data sharing and storing them between various devices while ensuring data integration and privacy. This is especially important in an era where data violations and privacy concerns are spread. JASMY platform provides companies and individuals necessary to harness the Internet of Things data in a safe and effective way.

JASMYCOIN also works as a use symbol within the JASMY ecological system, allowing transactions, stimulating data sharing, and rewarding participants. With the growth of the project, it aims to enhance the Internet of Things environment more connected and safely, which contributes to the adoption of the broader Blockchain technology in daily applications.

Jasmycoin 24H technologies

(source: Tradingvief))

Jasmycoin (jasmy) prediction price 2025

JASMYCOIN (JASMY) ranks 83rd on CoinMarkcap in terms of market value. An overview of JASMYCOIN predictions for 2025 is explained below with a daily time frame.

JASMY/USDT Country Channel style (Source: Tradingvief))

In the graph above, Jasmycoin (Jasmy) developed a descending channel style. The dumping channel, also known as the falling canal, is a declining artistic analysis pattern consisting of two parallel directions lines down. The upper direction line connects a series of high points, which indicates the resistance as it fights the price for the above height, while the lower direction line connects the lowest points, and works as support.

This pattern indicates that the sellers control, as the price constantly prepares lower levels and low reduction. Traders often look to the sale near the upper direction and purchase line near the lower direction line, as the price usually swings in this specified range. In general, the condolence channel of merchants helps to determine potential default opportunities and evaluate market morale.

At the time of the analysis, the price of Jasmycoin (Jasmy) was recorded at $ 0.01312. If the style continues, the JASMY price may reach the level of resistance amounting to $ 0.01813, 0.02098 dollars, and 0.02657 dollars. If the trend is reflected, the JASMY price may decrease to $ 0.01301.

Resistance and support levels Jasmycoin (jasmy)

The aforementioned chart shows the levels of resistance and potential support for Jasmy in 2025.

Jasmy/USDT (Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source: Source Tradingvief))

From the above graph, we can analyze and determine the following as resistance and support levels from Jasmycoin (Jasmy) for 2025.

Resistance level 1 0.02315 dollars
Resistance level 2 0.05961 dollars
Support level 1 0.01141 dollars
Level 2 support 0.00536 dollars

Resistance and support levels jasmy

Jasmycoin (Jasmy) PRICE PRICE 2025 – RVOL, MA, and RSI

Technical analysis indicators such as the relative size (RVOL), the moving average (MA), and the RSI RSI from JasmyCoin (JASMY) are shown in the scheme below.

JASMY/USDT RVOL, MA, RSI (Source: Tradingvief))

Among the readings on the above chart, we can make the following inferences regarding the current Jasmyco (Jasmy) market in 2025.

index very reading Inference
Mobile average for 50 days (50ma) The nature of the current trend by comparing the average price over 50 days 50 mAh = 0.02186price = 0.01393 dollars
(50ma> Price)
Land/declining direction
Relative power index (RSI) Prices change volume 30.88568
<30 = excessive
50-70 = neutral> 70 = excessive peak
Rvol Asset trading volume with regard to the average of its recent sizes Under the cutting line Weak

Jasmycoin (Jasmy) PRICE PRICE 2025 – ADX, RVI

In the plan below, we analyze the strength and fluctuation of Jasmycoin (Jasmy) using the following technical analysis indicators – the average trend index (ADX) and the relative fluctuation index (RVI).

JASMY/USDT ADX, RVI (Source: Tradingvief))

Among the readings on the above chart, we can make the following inferences regarding the momentum of the JasmyCoin (Jasmy) price.

index very reading Inference
Average direction index (ADX) Momentum 29.36937 A very strong direction
Rvi fluctuation index (RVI) Volatility during a specific period 48.14
<50 = low
> 50 = high
Low fluctuations

Comparison jasmy with BTC, ETH

Let’s now compare Jasmycoin (JASMY) price movements with Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH).

BTC VS ETH opposite Jasmy PRICE comparison (Source: Tradingvief))

From the above graph, we can explain that the price of Yaski differs with BTC and ETH. That is, when the BTC and ETH price increases, the JASMY price decreases, if the BTC and ETH price decreases, the JASMY price increases. .

Prices Prices Jasmycoin (Jasmy) 2026, 2027-2030

With the help of indicators of technical analysis mentioned above and direction patterns, let’s predict the price of Jasmycoin (Jasmy) between 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030.

year Aleppo price The declining price
Jasmycoin (Jasmy) PRICE PRICE 2026 0.3 dollars 0.005 dollars
Jasmycoin (Jasmy) PRICE PRICE 2027 0.4 dollars 0.004 dollars
Jasmycoin (Jasmy) PRICE PRICE 2028 $ 0.6 0.003 dollars
Jasmycoin (Jasmy) PRICE PRICE 2029 $ 0.8 0.002 dollars
Jasmycoin (Jasmy) PRICE PRICE 2030 $ 1 0.001 dollars


If Jasmycoin (Jasmy) established itself as a good investment in 2025, this year will be favorable to the encrypted currency. In conclusion, the prediction of the Jasmycoin (Jasmy) prices for the year 2025 is $ 0.05961. Relatively, if the unfavorable feelings are turned on, the prediction of the jasmycoin (Jasmy) for 2024 is $ 0.00536.

If the market momentum and the feelings of investors rise positively, Jasmycoin (JASMY) may reach $ 0.2. Moreover, with future promotions and developments in the JASMYCOIN system, Jasmy may exceed its highest level (ATH) of $ 4.99 and the new ATH mark.


1. What is jasmycoin (Yasmi)?

JASMYCOIN (JASMY) is an encrypted currency developed by Jasmy Corporation, a Japanese company specializing in Internet of Things (IOT).

2. Where can you buy Jasmycoin (JASMY)?

Jasmycoin (JASMY) trading trading trading in the following encrypted currency such as Binance, UzX, LBANK, Toobit and Bybit.

3. Will JASMYCOIN (JASMY) register a new new?

With continuous developments and promotions within the Jasmycoin platform, Jasmycoin (Jasmy) has a high ability to reach ATH soon.

4. What is the current height (ATH) from Jasmycoin (JASMY)?

JASMYCOIN (JASMY) reached its highest level (ATH) of $ 4.99 on February 16, 2021.

5. What is the lowest price for Jasmycoin (Jasmy)?

According to Coinmarketcap, JASMY was the lowest level (ATL) of $ 0.002747 on December 30, 2022.

6. Will JASMYCOIN (JASMY) reach $ 0.2?

If JASMYCOIN (JASMY) becomes one of the active cryptocurrencies that maintains the upward trend, it may prepare to $ 0.2 soon.

7. What will be the price of jasmycoin (jasmy) by 2026?

Jasmycoin (JASMY) may reach $ 0.3 by 2026.

8. What will be the price of jasmycoin (Jasmy) by 2027?

Jasmycoin (JASMY) may reach $ 0.4 by 2027.

9. What will be the price of jasmycoin (Jasmy) by 2028?

Jasmycoin (JASMY) may reach $ 0.6 by 2028.

10. What will be the price of jasmycoin (Jasmy) by 2029?

Jasmycoin (JASMY) may reach $ 0.8 by 2029.

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Release responsibility: The opinion expressed in this plan is only the author. It does not represent any investment advice. TENEWSCRYPTO team encourages everyone to conduct their own research before investing.


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