More than 10 years have passed since Tinder has launched its way to our phones – our love – the promising romance in criticizing the thumb.
Less than five million adults in the UK visited the online dating service (application and websites) last year, according to the OFCA report on the Internet.
But analysts wonder whether the grandmother began to fade, as the use of 10 larger applications decreased by 16 % between 2023 and 2024.
Tinder has created a romantic revolution as the first dating application in 2012 – and it is still the largest project in the Match Group. But even lost more than half a million users Last year.
It seems that “dating fatigue” dominates the cultural scene – about 78 % of dating applicants say they feel “emotional, mentally or physically” by them, according to a study conducted in 2024 conducted by FORBES Health, and 2023 Yougov found out that 46 % of the British say their dating application experiments were bad.
It remained completely outside the applications, except for one evening flowing with hinges – one of the most popular serials between the two categories. I am not sure that love can be found by scrolling on the screen, and it seems that I am not alone.
So what is the exact error in finding modern love – and how do we hope to find a connection?
Fruits and filters
With 10 % of adults, they visit the dating site – about 4 % visit daily, according to Offcom – There is no sign that it will go anywhere quickly, even if the numbers decrease.
Among the new arrivals is cherry.
It classifies users into three “feelings”-unofficial, flowing and meaningful-to match intentions and guarantee real contacts.
There are also trainers available to the application because CEO Joe Mason believes people need to work on themselves before proceeding to relationships with others.
“They are hiding behind the filtered pictures, they hide behind a phone, and they hide behind something all the time,” says Joe.
The logo of the application is a “lesser kiss than frogs”, brand ambassador – frog mask – sitting on the table adjacent to us.
According to the cherry study, 58 % of people who return to exhausting through the beating and surface interactions, while 40 % say that their motives to meet someone have decreased as a result.
Joe told me that she built cherries from “frustration”, adding: “Your options to try to meet someone either in the gym, collide with them in the supermarket, or by working, other than that they are applications.”
It seems that dating is all responsible “
Thursday, an application launched in 2021, works exclusively one day a week – I guessed this, Thursday – to encourage quick decisions and personal meetings.
Participant founder George Rolling and we meet and we go to an individual event more than the 1930s for the users of the application in London in Shard.
“We are trying to put this all about the speed that dates back to making it normal,” George says to me.
“Is it embarrassing?” Ask, let my intrusive thoughts win.
He laughs. “This is a different dating way, it is clear that we have become dependent on applications for years, but we give people new opportunities to meet people in the” IRL “way.
I still do not believe how this phrase – in real life – has been short, but at the same time, it is not surprising.
“My decision for this year is to meet someone organically,” a man told me at this event.
“[Dating] A family member says it is not as fun as it was, it is only now responsible.
One person who resembles the network event: “There is an undeclared pressure that everyone is celibate.”
When I finish talking to someone, a man approaches me and asks what I am photographing.
When he told him that anyone who did not grant approval will not be determined, it seems comfortable.
“PHEW,” says he laughs.
“Because my wife will kill me if I discover that I am here.”
So what happens if you give up applications?
On the topic of the meeting in real life, my friends and I decided – more than 30 years – to go out one night in London to see the scene of dating for ourselves.
Perhaps the future of dating has not been found in the application but in the world directly in front of us.
But we were wrong. It was not approaching once.
People are glued to their phones – from text messages in the middle of the conversations to scrolling through dating applications while sitting from someone at dinner, we seem to be physically present but mentally anywhere else.
It seemed to be a brave work just as a rise to people and speaking or asking dating questions.
One of my friends then tells me: “I feel that a woman should not search for a man.” “Perhaps this is why I am still single – because many girls are shooting now, and they have confidence in the players’ question.
“Until I see girls get one knee.”
Charlene Douglas, a relationship expert, a specialist in psychological and psychological counseling, is a regular guest of the TV program married at first sight, then “men do not always know where they fit” when it comes to modern dating.
“To wait until a man approaches us, I think he is a little … the fifties,” she says.
“I think it is in 2025, we can say hello to a person or we can just hit a conversation. We are in talking, we are women, right?”
From the Internet to artificial
It is clear that the emotional losses of online dating have become more difficult to ignore it – so it is not surprising that some data turns into AI Chatbots to help them respond to the messages from strangers.
One of the women, who wanted to remain unknown, told me that she enters even messages from men who talk to them in Chatgpt because she provides reassurance and clarity when she feels doubt.
Instead of talking to friends about relationships, artificial intelligence can suggest possible “unbiased” and “simplified” explanations, she says.
“I have finished analyzing things a lot anyway. So Chatgpt simplifies for me.”
Applications such as Replika and Blush are designed to provide Amnesty International’s emotional support comrades, and in some cases, they simulate romantic or intimate human relationships.
It has been reported that the unit can be harmful to health like smoking 15 cigarettes a day, according to the World Health Organization – but is just a plaster attached to a greater problem?
Read more:
My girlfriend saved artificial intelligence my marriage
Can artificial intelligence help the dating application success?
Do people know what they want?
Millie has created an individual community group on Instagram, where it publishes daily assurances. Her videos arrived in millions of people – including me.
“I felt lonely in this world, which dates back to all parts of the world,” she says.
“I was so surprised that everyone had similar experiences.”
It plans to start events, including fast dating.
But Millie has a theory when it comes to the problem of modern dating – “Everything is back to people who do not know what they want.”
Charlene’s relationship expert believes that the answer is more education in school.
“Young people are trying to know how to do relationships themselves based on what they saw at home and what they have seen around them,” she says. “But they don’t always know how they have healthy relationships.”
Therefore, despite dating fatigue, I doubt that dating applications are going anywhere, with new versions that appear every day. For some people, they can work.
Alex I met her friend Molly unexpectedly on one of the most popular apps, hinges – they are now celebrating three years together: “We are currently in the apartment we bought together, so I think you can say it is going well.”
“I think it is very good to have an online dating option – I don’t think our paths would have been crossed otherwise,” Molly added.
Alex agrees: “With the online dating, you get a lot of people, it looks like a numbers game, but it really gives you the opportunity to meet many people who will not do it.
“There are people there – there are great people there, and you will find your person one day.”