The shareholders are strongly urged to vote to High qualifying candidate, Elizabeth Labuma, using white The agent card

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Austin, Texas – (Bznis Wayr) – Ionic Digital Inc. (“Ion” or “the company”) (“Board of Directors”), an open letter to the shareholders who restore its fixed commitment to maximizing the value of the national pregnant woman, involving it in the obligations of the alternative or involving it in the obligations of the transactions. The open letter also provides a context on the recent decision in the Dillauir Court in Chiseri (“Court”) regarding the participation of the company’s secret shares list. The open message below can be read:

Dear Ionian shareholders:

The council is still fully compatible with the stock campaign in our mission to increase the value to the maximum and provide a path towards the liquidity of the stock holder. In contrast, the Mike Cagney is without stocks, his company markets, and the founder of GXD Labs (“” GXD “) are only driven by their own commercial interests-searching for ion shares listed exclusively in the uncertain trading system. These self -service goals are not in the best interests of an ionic shareholder.

To apply for their agenda, Figure Markets and GXD resorted to benefiting from three record contributors, Brett Perry, Viton Vegsili, and Christopher Wilnger to file lawsuits in their name that aims to obtain access to the Ionian Squadlist list. The intention of the market and GXD markets is to use this sensitive information – including the names of the shareholders, addresses, email messages and phone numbers – to achieve their own commercial gains, including the involvement of the agent lawyers to apply for the allegedly incompatible candidates, Michael Abbate and Oliver Weiner, to the Board of Directors. Their goal is clear: extracting the financial benefits of these shareholders at the expense of the actual shareholders of the ion.

Dilayer State Court has limited access to secret stock holder information

Ionic Digital is pleased that the DEAWARE of CHancery has realized the correct concerns of the company regarding the privacy of the stock holder. The court issued a ruling on March 13, 2025, limiting the arrival of the number markets and GXD to the company’s secret shares list. In addition, the court ruled that the company has the right to search for legal fees from GXD because of its incorrect attempt to prevent Ioni from obtaining the discovery, and the Board of Directors notes that any recovery of these legal fees from the non -fortified GXD will benefit directly from INIC stock shareholders.

Moreover, the court decided that the parties would negotiate and submit the approval of the court on a secret agreement that determines the restricted extent that the GXD markets and markets may reach. This result strengthens Ion’s commitment to protecting the personal data of the shareholders and ensuring transparency in the election of the manager at the next annual meeting.

The annual meeting was postponed to ensure the fair operation of the shareholders

To ensure that the shareholders have a completely informed and fair opportunity to participate in the corporate governance process, the annual meeting of the company – scheduled in general will be raised on March 17, 2025 – without conducting any commercial work up to about 30 days of the size of the size of the directives directed to the council that was directed to the council. Managers, instead of the current five managers; (2) The prosecutors claim that some of the election candidates as managers (managers) of the company at the annual meeting should consider the court as compliance with the prior regulations of the company 2.4; And (3) claiming the prosecutors that the quorum requirements should not be determined at the annual meeting in accordance with the regulations, but instead it must be placed by order of the court.

The Board of Directors is looking to engage with the shares campaign and show the reason that the candidate is better in his position to enhance the value of the shares holder, with a clarification that the alleged candidates are proposed and act on behalf of the form of form and GXD only serve the commercial interests of the actual shareholders of these shares.

The digital ionic is still fixed in its focus on maximizing the value of the shares holder, developing its bitcoin mining operations, and achieving a list of a patriotic stock exchange or participating in supplementary or alternative transactions to provide liquidity for all shares. The Board of Directors will continue to dispose of its shareholders and unanimously recommend the shares campaign to vote to Elizabeth Labuma using white The agent card to protect the company from opportunistic efforts that can undermine its success in the long run.


/s/ Thomas Davore


/s/ Scott Duffy


/s/ Scott Vanders


/s/ Elizabeth Labuma


About the ionic digital

INIC Digital is prominent and innovative bitcoin miners arising in energy liquefaction. With facilities across the United States and a total capacity of 394 MW, INIC expects to lead the next generation of energy -saving computing, low cost through sustainable bitcoin mining. The strategic initiatives of the company focus on operational and transparent efficiency and securing long -term financial growth for its investors. For more information, please visit and follow us on x on @ionicdigal.

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