the IEEE women in engineering The manga story competition She returned to her second year to continue to encourage girls to consider professions in the field of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Competition aims to find the best Japanese comic and graphic novels created about a created character: Riko-chan, a former student who uses STEM tools to solve daily problems.

The competition you support IEEE Japanese Council and IEEE New Initiatives CommitteeIt was open to all IEEE members and student members. They can present multiple original stories individually, in teams, or on behalf of a former student.

Six winners were chosen. Their stories Available to read onlineSome multiple languages ​​including French, Indian and Spanish.

The manga story competition for this year is now accepting the presentations. verify The rules and deadlines On WIE.

Explain how the energy network works

Why not run out electricity when everyone uses the air conditioner on a hot day? Readers can find the answer in Avengers from the power networkWritten Iditi Graj. IEEE member is a technical leadership in the United States National Renewable Energy Laboratory In Applewood, COLO. In her story, Riko-Chan unveiled secrets behind the endless supply of electricity and innovative solutions that keep ACS to work on hot days.

IEEE member Caroline C. Sher DecoatisWho teaches software engineering in Western rulers UniversityIn Millcreek, Utah, she was inspired by a pop star Taylor Swift she has Rico Chan and the room full of smoke story. In Sher-DeCusatis’s Comic, Riko-Chan and her classmate create a pictorial drawing to attract the attention of the fairy singer Sailor Quick at her party. Sher-DeCusatis used her work experience as an optical and light specialist in RNSSELAER Polytechnic InstituteIn Troy, New York, when writing her comic.

“When I write a story, I am looking for a topic with a global attractiveness,” says Sher Disatis, whose hobby writes is imaginative. “After reading articles on whether Taylor Swift will return her from her tour in Japan in time to joy on her boyfriend [Travis Kelce] While he was playing in Super Bowl [last year]I thought I should write about Riko-chan attending a fictional singer party. “

in Rico Chan and its artificial legThe design of the title and creativity turns into an opportunity to a chance to help a beloved pet to restore its ability to walk. After learning that her classmate cat was subjected to a car and had one of her legs amputation, Rico Chan cooks a three -dimensional leg of cats.

“This story was inspired by the capabilities of STEM to solve the problems of the real world with creativity and mercy,” he says. Emira EmohahdzadehThe author of Al -Hazli. IEEE member is a UK researcher. “I wanted to highlight that STEM is not only related to technical skills, but also about caring for others and solving meaningful problems. My hope is to encourage small minds to follow up [a career in] STEM, which indicates how small innovations, which are fed and sympathetic, can create unusual inventory. “

“Through the Rico Chan’s trip, I hope to inspire the minds of young people to think outside the box and use their creativity to help others.”Alba Benny

You can follow Riko-chan because it moves on the challenges of finding the correct research project to separate in Nazia Sultana Plabon’s Rico Chan and wind power power. IEEE student member is a university student in Bangladesh. During the efforts of Rico Chan, the world of wind energy and the difference between air mills and turbines are explored.

Alba BennyAuthor Riko-Chan and Smartmeds Boxand She was inspired by her own experience when writing her comic. IEEE student member is following a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science in Sahrdaya College of Engineering and TechnologyIn Kodakara, India. In her story, Riko-Chan uses its STEM skills to design the Acting Birth control pill to help her grandmother taking the right medicine at the right times.

“My father’s struggle was inspired by remembering whether they had taken their medications – which led to dual doses,” Benny says. “Through this story, I wanted to convey how technology, such as the Medicine Fund, which works in Amnesty International, can help solve such simple and important problems. Through Rico Chan’s trip, I hope to inspire young minds to think outside the box and use their creativity to help others .

Final manga, Rico Chan and seismic safety system!and Written by Laria Lara Babitista. IEEE member is a full developer in Brazil. The manga story emphasizes the importance of knowing programming languages. After Riko-Chan feels tears of the earthquake, you develop a tremor detection program.

Members can interact with Riko-Chan through crossed puzzles and similar games in IEEEEEEEEATATEC’s IEEE WIE global network community. Each challenge is inspired by one of the published manga stories.

To join the community, create a free iEEEEEEALATEC account and register.

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