Strange and flat spots on the teeth of the old Europeans have confused archaeologists for several centuries. But one of the researchers believes that it is a mystery solution: the ice age is wandering in the ice age of 10 years old.
These holes may indicate a person’s membership in a group, according to John WillmanA biological anthropologist at the University of Kevbra in Portugal, but also caused the movement of teeth.
In a study published on January 23 in Old Antiquities MagazineWellman looked at dozens of skeletons of the Pavlovian people, who lived in Central Europe between about 25,000 and 29,000 years. Its analysis is particularly focused on teeth wearing.
“There was a long history of debate about strange erosion on the fangs and cheek teeth of these individuals,” Wilman told Live Science in an email, but no one knew the reason for erosion.
With the progress of humans, wearing enamel on our teeth through frequent behaviors, such as chewing and grinding and sometimes carrying things in our mouths. These activities usually cause teeth enamel to become flat or slightly angle on the chewing surface of the teeth. But in this Stone Age, Pavlovian jaws, Wilman noticed that erosion was on the side of the cheek of teeth instead.
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“I believed that the patterns of wearing the teeth caused by Labrie were a really good hypothesis for a reason that caused corrosion in Pavlovians,” Willman said.
The term Labret comes from the LAPTON word and indicates a type of hole that is inserted into the lower lip area or cheek. The use of labrets is well known in both modern and old cultures, according to Willman. But so far, artifacts have not been found as Labritis in the burial of Pavlovian, perhaps because they were made of damageable materials, such as wood or leather, which did not survive.
To investigate a potential link between wearing Pavlovian teeth and the use of a laboratory, Wilman looks closely into patterns in worn teeth.
“It seems that obtaining the first factory has occurred in childhood, as corrosion has been documented in some children’s teeth,” Willman said. In addition, it was found that adults have a higher degree of Mina in the cheek area with more teeth than children, which may be associated with labret input over time.
“In the case of the Pavlovis, it seems that the presence of Labrik is related to belonging to the group,” Wilman said.
Although the use of the laboratory is safe, it can cause damage to the teeth and gums if it is incorrectly done. “The hole can cause teeth – like almost” opposite “brackets,” Willman said. “Some individuals have congestion of teeth, which I have interpreted as an effect on resting Labrik against teeth for long periods of time.”
April AprilThe archaeologist in the ancient Stone Age at the University of Victoria in Canada, who did not participate in the study, told Live Science in an email: “As a person who studies teenagers in the Ice Age, I find this study very exciting.”
Noel said that most of the elements used by the fishermen’s societies used by the daily association had lost until time, which causes researchers to reduce the complexity of ancient cultures.
Noel said that Willman’s study “provides a window on behavior that has long disappeared – it gives scientists a way to study personal and social identity because it changes throughout a person’s life.”
The next step may be, according to Nowell, that archaeologists begin to reconsider groups of artifacts from Pavlovian and other ice age sites to see if evidence has been missed on Labretz in the past.