Hunter Chevir talks about the facts of Donald Trump’s executive to combat Trisk.

On February 20, the 26 -year -old crossed woman was famous for her role in the successful HBO drama trance She revealed that her passport is now characterized by a male classification between the sexes Executive order Acknowledgment of two “non -change” genders designated at birth.

“I am not publishing a lot these days, but I had some harsh examination of reality today, and I felt that it is important to share it with who listens,” I started her. The story of Tijok for eight minutes. According to the actor, she had to apply for a new passport in Barcelona.

I had to [replace my passport] Once before. She explained that any part of the operation was different. “I filled everything as if I was usually. I put the females. When it was captured today and opened it, they changed the mark to a male.”

While Chevir says the key “does not really change anything about me or my way”, she wants to raise awareness about the facts faced by sexually transformed people in America Trump. This is what we know.

Donald Trump signed a sweeping executive on January 20.

After announcing the presence of “two sexes only” in The opening letterTrump signed Wide executive Which claims to restore the “biological truth of the federal government”. The document declares that the government only recognizes the sexes, males and females, claiming that “sex” is not synonymous and does not include the concept of “sexual identity”.

It includes directives that extend through federal agencies, from the Ministry of Health and Humanitarian Services to the Ministry of Education. The executive order describes the biological sex as “not subject to change”, which means that it is unable to change it. In her tiktok story videoShaver sheds light on the government’s definition documents.

Hunter Chevir shared her video on February 20.

“So I am sure that most of us remember the first day of Trump’s presidency, and he signed an executive order to announce only two of the two sexes recognized by the state: male and female appointed.” ‘ Official website.

“The Consulate Affairs Office has freeze passports requests that require changing the sex mark, new renovations or applications with a sexual mark that differs from the sex of the applicant appointed at birth,” says the site.

“I think it is a direct result of the administration that our country is currently operating,” said Shafar about the change in her passport. “I think I am just afraid of the way these things are slowly implemented because things are just starting.”

And it continues, “I think, as we have seen the historical rise of fascism and this type of, as you know, everything that this new administration represents – there is a lot of words, then things begin to happen, and we start with that normalizing the conditions that we are below. I feel it is important To share that he does not only speak, and that this is real and happens, and no one, regardless of their circumstance, regardless of the exclusion of the wealthy, white, beautiful or anything else. “


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