The professional infiltrator installed a sweeping robot on a threat encryption wallet containing $ 90,000 from Avax. We had one week to save this money on the PFANANCHE series before the infiltrator could claim it. This is the story of how we coded our robot, fought in the dark forest in Blockchain, and we appeared victorious.


The private key for the encryption was stolen, and a harmful robot was installed on the wallet. Inside this account at risk, there was $ 90,000 from AVAX, whose lock was canceled exactly one week. Once the attention period ends, the infiltrator will try to claim everything.

Here is hunting: Since a sweeping robot has been connected to this portfolio, no natural treatment of the account can be implemented without being “washed” immediately by the infiltrator. Even sending a small portion of AVAX as drawings that would lead to robot theft, which makes it impossible to recover amazing money.

But in the Blockchain security world, nothing is really impossible. We had seven days and a strong community to help. Details of this story how we overcame a dangerous robot, and we used our knowledge of the PVA series, and I managed to save $ 90,000 from Avax.

Who am I

For those who read me for the first time:

“I am a Blockchain Amani Specialist and a smart contract auditor. I have reviewed many encryption projects and have spent the past three years in restoring lost symbols from the risk portfolio. My basic experience Robot war In Blockchain – specifically how robot programs work with smart contracts. “

You can find me on Twitter (x) on @0xsmartContract

Over the years, it helped save the symbols from countless governors. If you find yourself lost in the “dark forest” in Blockchain, you are in the right place. For more examples of rescue operations, do not hesitate to see the previous Hackernoon story about a sweeping robot to provide codes of $ 26,000: How did we exceed a sweeping robot and saved the distinctive symbols of $ 26,000 in the dark Blockchain forest?

I receive at least four or five messages per day from people around the world whose accounts have been hacked. There was an increase in the past year, most likely due to the growing global interest in encryption – and therefore, more criminals focus on it. The robots are often the perpetrator, because they excel in sweeping and presence. They can also outperform the strategies, or MEV (the value -extracted value of miners), or buy Meme immediately. But it is especially enormous in A portfolio prevented from performing any transactions So that the attacker is ready to steal money.

Invitation to help: one -week deadline

“I received a message from a user. I stole their seeds, and all the available money was drained immediately. But the infiltrator left a robot behind to seize anything else. 7 days On the P-avalanche series. “

Problem: Any attempt to send a transaction from this portfolio (even gas fees) will be filtered immediately by the pirate robot, making it impossible to transfer any additional assets.

Methods of infiltrators: HD often installs these robots to ensure that by simply compromising the wallet, no one else can transfer any money successfully without paying them first. If they discover any incoming metal currencies or if the victim tries to participate/cancel the robot, the robot immediately sends these coins to the infiltrator wallet.

In this case, the infiltrator was also presented as a real official of the Blockchain project on LinkedIn-a very convincing tactic of social engineering.

Our victim was part of one of the strongest societies in encryption: Collapse. At the collapse event, the victim met with a technician intelligent community, KoaservattWho was ready to help. In recognition of the complexity of the situation, Koaservatt has connected the victim and me. From that moment on, we formed a small but designed rescue team.

“Screaming to Koaservatt to organize the rescue process from start to finish, and exchange unique visions around the P-aavalanche series mechanics, and stay awake for about a week. This is the power of community support in the world of encryption.”

Planning for the battle of the robot versus a bot

We had seven days before the session ended. The moment when the share has become convertible, a hacker robot will demand Avax – or do so. To achieve success, we needed a careful and self -made plan anti-. Below are the main challenges:

  1. Vocational thief

    The infiltrator stole many people and was online around the clock throughout the week. This was their only job – to steal. But we have daily functions, so our robot should be very sharp and fast.

  2. An unfamiliar area on the P series

    “Avalanche P series is characterized by the logic of different transactions compared to the typical EVM (C-CAIN). None of the usual EVM styles will work here. We had to reconsider Avalanche documents and transactions and symbols.”

I always recommend reading official documents and open source warehouses to completely understand the Blockchain structures. Here are some of the resources that we used:

Also, if you want more insight on how to deal with a BOT structure and photograph the smart nodes icon, check out of my hackernoon piece: Smart Contracts icons: How do you see it for how the infiltrator sees it

The countdown begins for 7 days

Below, how the week is presented with our race around the clock:

Days 1-2: Deep diving in the P-avalanche series

“If you want to fight robots on Blockchain, you need to study the network at the code level.”

During the first two days, I immersed myself in Github Repo from Avalanche and official documents. Series PIORTIS mechanisms are different from EVM’s typical logic, so a comprehensive understanding was very important.

The third day: the need for a wallet and testing environment

We needed to test multiple scenarios about the PBANANCHE series. However, the only official portfolio application for P-SCAIN, “Core”, was suddenly dropped by the project team. This caused a great delay. “

Without a standard wallet interface, we had to set our test environment and textual programs to try the P. P. this brings us back a few days.

Fourth day: Pirate movements on the chain

I noticed the series that the infiltrator began preparing preparations. Obviously, they were also preparing for the end of Stokeing. The time was short. “

I have set all possible treatment that the robot may make and retreat about how our anti -bot’s response responds. We need speed and accuracy.

Days 5 – 6: The final test Loubna Rescue

“Summoning the legendary Dan Robinson article about fighting robots in” ETHEREUM Dark Forest “, I remembered his warning:” There is a high possibility that will reduce these robots. “So I tested everything several times.”

We wrote the symbol, was tested in small quantities, and we refined. There were many small “surprises” that we merged to outperform the pirate robot over the P. series.

For those who are fascinated by these types of high -risk Blockchain BOT scenarios, here is the effective Dan Robinson piece: Ethereum dark forest

Last Day: Staling Unlock & Showdown

“When the session ended, our rescue robot had to carry out its treatment in exactly a second that AVAX became available. It was either we or the infiltrator.”

We have published our robot – designed to treat every atomic step:

  1. Immediately Avax outside to a safe wallet address.
  2. It is forbidden The infiltrated robot from the front hunting is our treatment by taking advantage of some nuances of the transactions P and timing calls accurately.

I worked. We have a robot that surpasses the infiltrator robot and got every $ 90,000 from AVAX. The deal stabilized, and we quickly confirmed that the money was safe in a newly and supported address. 😅🎉🎊

“We have succeeded! In the dark forest of Blockchain, we emerged victorious and saved 90,000 dollars. It was a great satisfaction!”


This week’s intense battle on AVANANCHE series highlights many important lessons:

  1. Blockchain documents are the key- Understanding the basics of how transactions work on a specific chain is the difference between success and failure.
  2. Robots never sleep- The sweeping and robots you run can be uncompromising. If your own keys are hacked, any natural treatment will be almost impossible. You need a strong and creative plan (often, dedicated robot) to find out a chance.
  3. Society supports issues- Without the collapse community (especially KoaservattPerhaps we did not achieve this rescue on time.
  4. Never reduce the pirate robot- They are fast, dedicated, completely adjust to the environment. Your code should be faster and more cunning.
  5. Always protect your seeds phrases- Prevention is the best defense. Never share your seed words – especially on suspicious websites or with strangers on social networks.

The last word

In the end, we overcame the difficulties, and we overcame a hacker, and we secured $ 90,000 from AVAX. If you ever lose in the dark Blockchain forest, remember that with enough technical knowledge, community support, and a little creativity, there is always a way out.

Do you have a story or need help? I only use X (Twitter) to call and receive messages daily from people who ask for recovery help. If you want a brainstorming about recovering symbols from a violating account, do not hesitate to reach.

If you want to support or brainstorming about the money that must be recovered from the penetrated accounts, you can send a message to me My Twitter account.

References and more reading:

Happy piracy 🤖,0xsmartcontract


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