Katie Dramond: I understood it. amazing. We are in the midst of this fascism that we talked about at the top. What happens now? Once measles outbreak there, it spreads between society, how it contains something like this? What steps will be necessary for the United States to clarify this fascism already?

Emily Moulin: Yes. Well, this is a great question. We have seen measles outbreaks before. You might remember that there was a great outbreak of measles in 2019 that was concentrated in the Orthodox Jewish societies in New York. It really took these strategic shoes on Earth efforts to go to society, combat wrong information, and provide culturally sensitive information about the benefits of the MMR vaccine to get prices there. Because again, there is no effective treatment for the group. This requires isolation and vaccination because in order to be clear, we see this measles occurs due to low vaccination rates at the country level. People do not trust the vaccines now. For a strain, the vaccination rate in society needs to be very high, 95 percent, to prevent the disease from spreading it because it is very contagious. In Jeans Province, Texas, which has most cases now, the measles vaccination rate in kindergarten is 82 percent.

Katie Dramond: amazing.

Emily Moulin: This is why we see this heavy focus of cases there. But in New Mexico, in Li County where most cases of New Mexico occurs, measles vaccination rates are much higher, about 94 percent. But again, this is a very infectious virus. We really need these rates up to about 95 percent. This is what epidemiologists say it is really necessary to protect society.

Katie Dramond: Just to confirm this last time. MMR vaccine, how effective this vaccine is to prevent measles in a specific person?

Emily Moulin: One dose of the vaccine is 93 percent against measles, and two effects are 97 percent. This first dose for children is usually recommended between 12 to 15 months old. Then this second dose is usually given when the child is between four and seven years old.

Katie Dramond: I understood it. We also, again, are only talking about the most vulnerable people in society, children, and young children, in terms of the risk of measles. Certainly, vaccines are a better option than cod liver oil, if I may say that. We will take a short break. Thank you, Emily. When we go back, you don’t need to read it on WAID today. Welcome to Valley is strangeY. I am Katie Dromond, Wire International Editor -in -Chief. Emily Moulin joined me from Wire. Now, Emily, before I allow you to leave, I really want to ignite you and our listeners in a story that everyone should read on WARED.com today, unlike the excellent stories that we mentioned in this episode. This is a feature that we have published today by Wire Lauren Smiley. Lauren is an incredible journalist, an incredible narrative writer. I did a deep diving in Boeing. If you are not already terrified of air travel given everything that happens with FAA at the present time and everything that happened with Boeing in the past few years, this story will not make you feel better. I say that as someone takes a lot of xanax before I go on a trip. This story will make you feel more stressful towards the safety of air travel. But this exciting novel, which was told through the eyes of a man who has already worked in Boeing for many years, had a lot of concerns about safety in Boeing manufacturing facilities and aircraft safety, and the alert often looked within the company. Until he finally left the company, and only then he started seeing terrible plane accidents and serious accidents with Boeing aircraft, which was partly responsible for manufacturing and creation. The whole thing is about his journey as an amount of violations, and how he has since left Boeing and becomes one of the violations. It has already become this central point for the families of the people who lost their lives in the Boeing plane accidents. It has become a pivotal point for other amounts who have provided harmful information about what is going on inside the company. It is truly the story of one man, whose name is Ed Person, and his mission that continues to this day to reveal what he describes as a serious mistake and danger by Boeing that affects all our safety when we reach a plane. It is an incredible story. Once again, you will not make you feel satisfied, but it is a very good reading. I strongly recommend everyone to take a look. Emily, I think you have already said that you have read this story earlier today, so I think you are agreeing with me.


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