Nicole Kidman, in general, provides a public service with its apparently inexhaustible energy. She was working constantly with managers – 19 in the past eight years – While trying to save the narrow domestic excitement of vessels and constantly investigate the gap between the quiet public facades of women and special turmoil. The quality of Kidman’s offers – it always offers something a little strange, a little and very magnetic – do not indicate the quality of the project, which can range from Babygirl provocative (if any) The cinematic universe on the beach One of the medium TV roles.

You find the Netherlands, the latest movie for Kidman as a star and producer (under the slogan of Flossom Films), Kidman in a familiar groove: a housewife in the suburbs with secrets and doubts, suffers from madness and tension to keep up with appearances. Like many Kidman’s character in front of her, Nanacy Vandergroot Projects Perfection-Smile-Doll Smile, Nuclear dinner-and nursing hair are large feelings about small risks in the aquarium environment. The advertising clip, which was released before the Amazon Prime Video, with the performance of Kidman in the Stepford – Eerie and Hurtle and Grouding lane, with the additional weird of the Dutch icons of the Netherlands, Michigan, which is a city reserved in the famous lake locally on its annual festival Annual. In practice, the talents of its star, especially for this special brand of disturbing, screams at a text that goes with a strange pace that does not add to nothing.

From the most powerful raising than implementation, the Netherlands definitely seem elegant, due to the acute direction by Mimi Cave, whose appearance in 2022 is characterized by the first time brilliantly with modern dating staff to malignant horror and terror. The work this time with a text from Andrew Soderuski – who has been bounced around Hollywood nearly a decade, apparently for a good reason – a cave, a director of music videos for a long time, again showing an eye that is keen on the rapid peak in the credit match, but it is struggling to get rid of the story that revolves around it at a distance of 80 minutes.

Nancy’s doubts at the Nancy I Center in the first place that her husband, Farid (Matthew McFaden), who is an optical specialist either at work or cut him into a model train with their son, Harry (Jude Hill), suffers from a relationship, based on anything that is not graceful and possible and possible. In the efforts made to prove that her husband is unclear, Nancy, a professor of home economics at the local high school, is intertwined with her colleague Dave (Gaeil Garcia Bernal), a Mexican immigrant who tests racism when this is necessary for the conspiracy. Nancy and Dave deeper goes to their achievement of amateurs – and more than half of the movie that feels longer than 108 minutes, it is a significant shallow depth – everything that Nancy’s world wanders around it, and the most provocative in a series of verbal serials where the cave of its capabilities on surrealism.

Although the text program was initially appointed at the present time, CaVE decided to appoint the movie in 2000, if there was no reason other than withdrawing a nice nostalgia and the comfortable location of the Nancy Championship somewhere between the analog (storming his office, old receipts) and the emerging digital number (text messages on Nokia’s compresses, ask Jeeves). Sodroski chose to put the story in the Netherlands, apparently because people smile in wooden plugs and pointed caps that make a particularly creeping interface of normal life. Cave, who grew up outside Chicago, does better than the standard Kitsch in the Middle West – the small Caesars pizza and ceramic statues in glass containers, flowers backgrounds and ketchup designs on the meat floiler – from the city’s traditions, which were photographed as if they were striving for uncomfortable.

However, there is a clear gap between the quality of the visual images, the anxious atmosphere of suspicion that the cave is evoking, and actual materials, which resemble the Dutch hats in Nancy. Kidman is expected to be effective in the position of a “honest to Josh” housewife, where he dives into Nancy’s installation with a full typical commitment. But both women are deprived of this story, which is completely released from bars in the second half. There are no spoilers, but it is sufficient to say that some transformations and heel phrases feel that they are not acquired to the degree of inconvenience of the audience, and they are all covered with a mysterious question about what is real and what is more than a policeman more than complications.

This is a shame – the Netherlands has all the classic local excitement parts, the type that made the Kidman profession and film fans are still missing. In the last amount of Kidman Oeuvre, I think this will be only a footnote. If there is nothing else, this is greater evidence of a greater project and interest.


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