The audience is urged to search for missing types of wild narcots that are afraid to become extinct in their gardens.

It seems that three types of wild narcissus have disappeared, but the Royal Gardening Association (RHS) is determined to find it when the spring begins to flourish.

The three types have unusual colors: pink, white and yellow “fire”.

RHS launches the “Dafodil Diaries” project, where it represents 100 years since the science of the charity helped save the national narcissus, and ask the industry and the gardeners to register the place where the flower opens in the region as well as basic information such as color, type and height.

Scientists in RHS will use information from the appointment project to understand the environmental impacts on the famous spring factory, its spread, and what buyers prefer.

The Hortanic Charitable Society also requires people to join the search for three cordon varieties that are at risk, or even believed to have become extinct, saying that the research will better help understand the heritage of gardening in the UK and help their survival.

This may ensure that the genetic materials that could be valuable for the future narcissus education with climate change were preserved.

The three rare varieties that people are asked to search for are:

  • Mrs. Ro Backhouse, one of the first pink narcissus, who has a solid pink trumpet and ivory flowers and is believed to have been raised by the pioneer in female Sarah BackHouse and is called her husband after her death in 1921. It is known to be in national groups, but not further, With the majority of the discoveries actually reported, the yellow trumpet changes to peach.
  • Mrs. William Kupland – Davodelil, a double -flower white named WFM Copeland, which was not offered for sale in recent years, but it is known to be talented in direct descendants through American farms in the early first decade of the twentieth century.
  • Sussex Bonfire – Davodel Yellow and Double Double Orange by Nawil Bohr amateur who recorded 58 new varieties of wild narcissotaus, but this flowering was not present.

Sussex Bonfire Daffodil – Double Double and Double Orange

Mrs. William Kubleland Wild Narcissus - Davodel, a double flowering white named WFM Copeland's wife

Mrs. William Kubleland Wild Narcissus – Davodel, a double flowering white named WFM Copeland’s wife

Mrs Ro Backhouse Daffodil - one of the first pink narcissism

Mrs Ro Backhouse Daffodil – one of the first pink narcissism

The wild narcissotherapy, which is synonymous with the arrival of spring and its wearing to Mark Saint David, was established on March 1, on the Iberian Peninsula and North Africa.

RHS said from the early nineteenth century, which was originally recorded to treat a group of diseases, by the sixteenth century, the narcissus was recorded as being grown due to its beautiful flowers, and from the early nineteenth century, it became very common in Britain and was intentionally brought up to create the varieties of the garden New.

The Dafodil Diaries project, which will last from February 12 to March 4, comes at a time when RHS represents a century since its world was honored by James Kirkham Ramsbutom to develop a hot water treatment against ELWFORMS that is attributed to the rescue of narcissus.

Gardening experts said it still served as standards for the production of the lamp today. RHS also holds the well -known corder varieties that are raised around the world.

“The wild narcissus came to celebrate the arrival of the spring and celebrate them because of their welcome in gardens, gardens and aspects A well -known type is available in green, pink and red. “Understand where they can be found will help us to maintain this diversity for the future.”

“Narcissus in the spring is abundant, but rare varieties of our gardens and roads can be lost if they are not found and care for.

“While six groups of national plants protect some of them, many other groups do not protect them yet, which is why we encourage everyone to search for rare varieties this spring.”


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