ANeon, who ever heard that director Mike Lee, who was interviewed, would know that he is not a man who was granted to enthusiasm. It does not breathe. Instead, it is wasted, a rough warning to the world to keep a distance. When listening to it, you can tolerate the assumption that, with a profession that extends for more than half a century, seven Oscar nominations, and a dowry Secrets & He lies) And for the Golden Lion (L Vera DrakeI have nothing to admire anything related to the film industry. But then you watch one of his films – the latest, Difficult factsFor example – it shows that there is one passion that is still not backward over the years, which is one thing that is proud of everything else. This is the actors and their craftsman.

The British director has a distinctive way to work inflated and embraces the contribution of his team. This is not just a case to deliver a representative of some inactive lines on the page and hope for the best. His films were born from an extended operation from the workshop and rehearsals. The dialogue has been chewed; The characters live completely in; Stories grow from fertile cooperation between the director and the performance artists. It is a way to work with positives and negatives for the final film, but what cannot be denied is that a way for me helped save some strong offers over the years, and the latest is a wonderful independent British movie. Pancissi house.

It is a difficult person. In the house, fear of strangers, lack of engraving, and calming it by animals and plants, it revives the world with torrents of anger and bitter grievances. Its tangible dissatisfaction is spread like ink spilled, spoils the surrounding space and gives up all its interactions. It is similar to something like a journey to the supermarket or an examination with its dental doctor entering a hall of enlarged mirrors, all of which reflect its anger and aggression. Pansy is an uncompromising revealing character in Mike Lee since David Theodal’s hate machine in 1993 Naked. But unlike Thewlis’s Johnny, who is attacked from a place of imagined superiority, Bansi greatly comes out of terrorism. What is painful for Jean-Popest painful raw performance is the dual role of fear in a character’s life. Fear is a cage, with a bars of bars behind the bars. But in some ways, her fear is the most comfortable certainty in her emotionally poor life: something to hide behind him; An excuse to ban herself away from the world.

“Difficulty Hour”: David Weber, Marianne Jean Peptest and Towen Barrett are playing a very unhappy family in difficult facts. Photo: Simon Min/Aug

All of this is difficult for the Panseis family. Her wonderful husband, Currtley (David Webber), was in silence instead of risking by saying the wrong thing. Her unemployed son, Musa Barrett, is clearly out of the autism spectrum, the rulings of his mother who wanders in his headphones. And her old -heart sister, Chantil (a beautiful and giving transformation from Michelle Austin, in her fifth cooperation with Lee), she sees the pain that Bansi endures, but she cannot see a way to help her get out of it. The contradiction between the lives of the two sisters cannot be more strict: my mother, Chantel, who owns a prosperous hairdresser, has a house full of laughter, chaos and love of her two daughters. Pansey’s house is the virgin and spartan, with any of the unofficial chaos that indicates common joys and memories of the family.

The unrestricted trend, which does not deliberately reject itself, rejects itself, focusing on the actors at all times. Do not make mistakes, these offers are definitely worth the weight of the attention that is placed on them. But the great turns do not always rise to a wonderful image, and the unfortunate result of this approach that directs the lack of films is that filmmaking can feel flat and practical-a treasury display of acting instead of a vibrant narration piece. Exhibition structure for Difficult facts It does not help, with Pansy Lurchang from confrontation to confrontation, but floundering instead of moving forward in the story. In the end, it is a difficult watch, not only for the offered psychological suffering, but because the public is deprived of any kind of decision or closure. Upon entering, we assume that we will accompany a personality on a trip, but instead we find ourselves in the deadly misery of Bansi.


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