The gulls are famous for kidnapping chips from the hands of tourists, but the scientific project revealed that greedy birds also like to reach the moles and put their thirst with seal milk.
The discovery was among the many sudden results by the Environmental scientist at Salvord University, Dr. Alice risesAfter creating a project asking the public to send her photos to eat segulls.
Project, His name is the gulls that eat thingsHe received requests from all over the world showing the diverse diet of birds.
From sandwiches to profrol and stars to chicks, the seagull seems rarely heading. Even one person presented a picture of a relaxation eating unfortunate mole.
“I have seen pictures of gulls breastfeeding milk from seals. There is also a real problem in South America with different types [of gull] there. They have really received this bad habit of landing on sleeping whales and eating [their] meat.”
Some gulls, including lower black gulls, are migratory, so you may learn eating habits elsewhere and present them to the United Kingdom. “The thing with gulls is, because they are very smart these behaviors are culturally spread,” said Resley.
She added that the gulls have increasingly transformed from living in natural habitats in coastal areas to more urban areas.
While the researchers studied gulls in their normal normal, no less than the customs of those that have moved to urban areas. How to understand this shift can be through their eating habits.
Although the project was in its cradle, the results that it reached so far showed that while the gulls benefit happily from the coastal snacks left by humans, they are predators.
She said: “We hope that it will get out of public education, because the gulls are not only zubin, but are predators.” “Many of them actually eat very natural prey elements; eat worms, but also eat chicks and some small mammals, and a kind of behavior like a natural wild animal.”
It seems that there is a connection with the nonsense dining system, regardless of its homeland.
“What people do not know, which I see in my own research, is how important the earthworms are.
The global access of the project means that it can be observed that diets are wider, which may help researchers reach where eating trends have started.
To contribute to a picture of the Nawras eating, please visit The gulls that eat things site.