Momentum indicators turn into neutral. The New Zealand dollar (NZD) is expected to trade in a scope of 0.5675/0.5730 against the US dollar (USD). In the longer term, there was no other increase in upward momentum; Frequently 0.5660 may mean that recovery does not reach 0.5775, which is an analyst from the Uob Group Quek Ser Leang and PEER Chia Note.
Momn indicators turn into a neutral
Show 24 hours: “While we expected” NZD less than the edge “yesterday, we indicated,” “unlikely to break the strong support level at 0.5660. “We highlighted that“ resistance levels at 0.5715 and 0.5730. ”However, NZD decreased lower than expected, as it flourished from 0.5679 to 0.5725.
1-3 weeks of view: “We still put the same opinion yesterday (March 11, the spot at 0.5695). As was highlighted, the last procedure was not caused by“ any increase in momentum ”, and a fracture of 0.5660 (strong support level) means that the recovery does not reach 0.5775. “