IMAC was present for more than a quarter of a century. The first IMAC exploded in the scene in 1998, and it was a great success, as it saved bacon from Apple when things looks bad. Love Doctor ofIMAC has seen some important changes over time, with each generation progressing something different from the latter.
What raises the question: What is the best thing about all of them? It will be easy to say that it is M4 IMAC, because it is the most powerful model so far, but can you really say it had the same distinctive IMAC G3 effect? You cannot classify IMAC generations without considering every design and effect of each generation.
This is how I feel it should be classified, and IMAC Pro deleted because if you are gray, you are not a real IMAC at all.
Slimline Unibody Imac
I feel upset in front of Slimline Unibody Imac, but one generation had to finally come on this list. Unfortunately, this model fell into the Apple’s continuous desire to make every device produced as possible in humanity. However, it is a little strange option, for a whole computer in one of the mostly you use it, which means that you cannot actually see how thickness of it at all when used.
Whether it is necessary or not, the Slimline Unibody Imac definitely succeeded in the Slimline transformer, as it was only 5 mm thick in some points. This came at a cost, however. The internal SuperDrive is removed, so if you want to use light tablets, you will need to get rid of the USB external Superdrive.
The other main issue was that on the 21.5 -inch models, the RAM was not an option. Although it was physically possible, you needed to cancel the screen and remove the logic plate to do so, it is unlikely that most IMAC owners would like to try. See Apple? The thinner is not always equal to the best.
Polly Carbon Intel Imac
Intel IMAC Polly Carbonate celebrated the first time that IMAC comes with an Intel processor, to replace PowerPc processors in previous models. Apple was committed to IMAC processors until 2021 when the first IMAC was launched with Apple Silicone.
The new processors gave Polycarbonate Intel IMAC better than IMAC G5, but the design was mainly identical. There was no visual idea for visitors to indicate that your new IMAC contains Intel Inside, and if you have to explain why the new computer is great, it is likely not to be.
The other issue was that the white carbonosis tends to turn the yellow color after a period of time. Although you can buy an Apple Imac yellow silicone, it may not be a color you want in a computer intended to be white.
In recent years, the Apple has got an installation with an attempt to make operating systems appear as they are in all its devices. For some time, MacOS and iOS have been slowly converted to each other, and there are rumors of a large redirecting system for iOS 19 that may bring iPhone to a queue with Apple Vision Pro. Because, of course, many people were asking about the reason that the user interface was on our iPhone devices that did not match the reinforced reality headphone of approximately $ 3,500.
With polycarbonate Intel IMAC, Apple pulled a similar trick by making IMAC somewhat similar to its most popular product at the time: iPod. IMAC G5 was released in 2004 when most IPod devices are still made of white carbon polygarbonate, and there is definitely a similarity.
It can be said that the G5 has determined the standard for IMAC, as is the case that color and materials may change, but it is still somewhat similar in the design of the current IMAC models, which cannot be said about IMAC G3 or IMAC G4. All ingredients are hidden behind the screen, which are supported on the curved aluminum holder that continued across multiple generations and was clearly an inspiration for angular standing on the current IMAC.
IMAC Aluminum
At first glance, IMAC’s aluminum appears to look like the design that IMACS continued to use for more than a contract. However, it did not develop into its final form. While the IMAC is manufactured from the Erm, aluminum, the back was made of black plastic.
Although the back of the IMAC may not be always visible, black plastic seemed less than elegant aluminum in the foreground. Unlike Delorean, the IMAC aluminum was not better than the back. This model also faced some confusion problems, which may lead to troublesome problems such as the failure of the hard drive. Very close, and yet.
Apple Silicon Imac
After years of IMACs works on Intel processors, Apple has finally started using their processors. M1 IMAC was released in 2021, and there was a lot you liked. Apple’s M1 chip has made significant performance improvements on previous Intel chips, and also provided better energy efficiency.
The M1 IMAC was also the first model that came in a collection of colors since the original IMAC G3, a kind of madness given the color of the IMAC G3 colored. Fortunately, you can now purchase purple imac again, even if you remove the chicken Apple out of the grape.
The new imacs are not bad computers, as the latest M4 is the whole in one. My biggest problem with Apple Silicon Imacs is that there is no 27 -inch option, 5K. If you have come from Retina 5K 5K IMAC, then return to a 24 -inch screen, 4.5 km is very similar to the reduction. However, you just need to throw another $ 1,6600 when buying to get a studio screen, right?
IMAC retina
For me, this was the top of the Unibody Imac design, taking all that was good about Unibody Imac and throwing a 27 -inch 5K screen. I was clinging to late 2014, Retina 5K Imac because, despite his age, it is still amazing to look at him. Unfortunately, she was reached at the end of her life, and there is no current IMAC that can match her.
You can buy 2020 Retina 5k IMAC when it is launched at less than $ 1,800, and this means that only 200 dollars are more than the current price of the studio screen, and I got a beautiful 5 -kilometer screen size of 27 inches, and a actual computer is thrown. I will be sad forever.
The only reason that makes this imac not higher in this list is that although the amazing offer made IMAC really great, it is still mainly imac unibody. In terms of design, nothing is really new.
I really don’t know how to feel the IMAC G4. Objectively, it is a wonderful piece of design. Instead of building devices on the CRT screen as IMAC G3 did, IMAC G4 presented a flat screen.
Due to the existence of the devices on the screen, it is placed at the IMAC G4 base. As it did with the dynamic island, Apple bent in this solution and made the base, and an adjustable screen, which is a major feature.
My problem is that I don’t like what it looks. I can only imagine that it jumps up and down above the Pixar logo, and a very few people describe a beautiful corner lamp. It is a better computer than IMAC G3, with a better without limits, but it does not have the same amazing appearance that IMAC did.
However, the flat plate screen was the first hint of what the modern IMAC will look like, and you cannot describe the design as boring. Be able to rotate the screen around it and its angle, as you also want to be really useful. It deserves its place in the first three places, despite my reservations about how it appears.
Unibody Imac
You know that you got your design properly when it does not really change for long periods of time; Just ask Paperclip. The first Unibody Imac appeared in 2009, and Apple was still producing IMAC with the same design in 2020. It was only with the first Apple Imac in 2021, Apple recently said goodbye to the classic appearance.
Although it was not true in some models, many IMACS bodies have a RAM that can be accessed by the user, which makes it easy to upgrade RAM yourself. This is no longer possible with the uniform memory in modern IMACS where the memory is combined into the system (SOC). You have to think carefully about the amount of random access memory that you will need these days because whatever the random access memory you get in modern IMAC, you are stuck.
It is very unlikely that any IMAC design will stand in the future tested time in the way UNIBODY IMAC has done. I am completely sure that he is on the deathbed, if I am asked to imagine imac (almost as specified, right?) IMAC will be unlimited to see it in my eyes.
If Unibody Imac is very good, then why isn’t that in the forefront? Well, as well as it was good like Unibody Imac, it had no effect as IMAC G3. For a start, without imac G3, maybe we had no iPod or iPhone.
Apple was really struggling before the launch of the IMAC G3, but its commercial success has effectively saved the company from potential bankruptcy. Of course, Apple did not look back, becoming one of the most valuable companies in the world.
IMAC G3 also broke a template that the computer could look. In one of the personal computers that came in any color you want, as long as it was Beige, IMAC G3 was a real breath of fresh air. Not only was it colored, but it was really beautiful, as it put the designs that are not inspiring to its competitors.
IMAC G3 was not the first multi -capable computer, but by installing devices inside the elegant CRT screen, Apple managed to make beige boxes for its competitors look out of need, with the work of the IMAC G3 as if it were magic without a separate box on the horizon. I have made everyone exciting at a time when computers were nothing but.
IMAC G3 was also the first consuming computer to display USB ports only. This will not be the last time that people were forced to use transformers to use their accessories with Apple products, but the decision helped to adopt a USB as an industry standard for peripheral devices.
IMAC G3 was far from perfection. Plastic ingredients can become fragile over time, and there were problems with the transformer that runs the screen, and less say than the mouse, that was better. However, its amazing appearance, its tremendous influence, and its position as a cultural symbol means that the imac G3 makes it up to the pile.
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