A new study indicates that birth control pills are used for Emergency contraceptives It can be reused with a higher dose as a miscarriage, which provides a potential alternative to it MivipristonOne of the two drugs used in The most common type of miscarriage In the United States.

The Mivipriston was attacked before Abortion opponentsWith many states seeking the Federal Court to restrict its use.

Mivipriston is now used in two -thirds of miscarriages in the United States, and it prevents the hormone needed for continued pregnancy. It is usually used with mesoprostol, which causes cramps and bleeding.

In this study, 133 pregnant women took up for up to nine weeks as a dose of 60 milligrams of acetate and labresteal, the active ingredient in medical contraceptives Ella, followed by mazoprostol after 24 hours.

For 97% of them, this combination of drugs was effective in creating miscarriage, which is an event equivalent to the composition of the mavibestone and mesoprostol. Four women needed an additional procedure or medicine to complete the miscarriage.

The dose of 60 milligrams of and labresteal used in the study is twice the dose of Ela, a drug used to prevent pregnancy in emergency situations.

The company that manufactures Ella on its website says it will not end the current pregnancy. It can be taken for up to five days after sex without preventing pregnancy.

The results, which were published on Thursday in the Nejm Evidue magazine, may make emergency contraceptives a target for abortion opponents.

“I am really concerned that these results can be implemented by anti -abortion activists to try to enhance their attack on contraceptive.” Grossman praised the study, but he said that more research was needed about a drug and a lubrical as a miscarriage before doctors routinely prescribed it for this use.

The main author, Dr. Beverly Winikov, President of Gynuity Health Projects, a non -profit research collection, said women need information about Libertistal, especially while challenging the Mivipriston in court.

“At least now we will have an alternative,” Winnikov said. “I think it’s best to have more things you can use.”


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