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The Federal Agency, which imposes anti -discrimination laws at the workplace, has moved to rejecting its own lawsuit on behalf of a worker claiming to have shot his sexual orientation and sexual identity, on the pretext that the case is now inconsistent with President Donald Trump’s recent order, according to court documents, according to court documents.

On Thursday, the Work Opportunities Committee presented a joint proposal to reject its case against Harmoni Hospitality Cancer, which runs the Hilton Hotel Wings in Dothan, Alabama, just eight months after the agency’s lawsuit against the company because of its launch of the employee who determines as males other than males Secondary and gay.
The employee worked at Harmony Hospitality as a night reference and “designed himself according to male sexual stereotypes” at work, according to EEOC’s original case. But when he was called to attend a meeting outside working hours, he was wearing “Capri-Cut, pink nails, and braids.”
When identifying the sexual identity of the employee and sexual orientation, Harmony Hospitality said that the employee needs to be “hidden” because of his appearance, and after seven hours, he was separated through a text message, as the case claims.
The complaint accuses the hospitality harmony of violating the seventh address of the 1964 Civil Rights Law by ending the employee “because of his gender, sexual inclinations, sexual identity, and failure to adhere to male gender -stereotypes.”
EEOC’s request now represents a major rejection of the issue from its previous interpretation of the Civil Rights Law after the Trump administration announced that the government will only get to know two sexes: males and females.
This is in a blatant contradiction before a decade before the agency issued a teacher, which concluded that the sexually transformed civilian employee in the American army had been discriminated to because her employer refused to use her favorite consciences or allow her to use bathrooms based on her sexual identity.
Only last year, EEOC updated its instructions to determine that the employee’s wrong pronouns were deliberately using, or refused to reach the bathrooms corresponding to their sexual identity, a form of harassment. The Supreme Court ruling in 2020 was followed by gay, lesbians, and transgender people are protected from discrimination at work.
The former General Adviser of EOC and the professor and cohortic co -co -faculty of Rutgers, David Lopez, who served the agency for more than 20 years, called EEOC to defend the “unprecedented” and “discrimination” hotel.

For the Anti -Discrimination Agency “to discriminate against a group, and we say,” We will not impose the law on their behalf “is discrimination, in my opinion. It is like a complete waiver of responsibility.” Associated Press in an interview over the phone.
EEOC’s proposal to reject the case, raised in partnership with the defendants, just weeks after Trump rejected two Democratic Commissioners in EEOC, which consists of five members before their conditions ended, an unprecedented decision that removed what could be an obstacle to his administration efforts to clarify the interpretation of law laws Civil for the nation. If commissioners were allowed to implement their conditions, EEOC would have been a democratic majority of Trump’s term. The administration also launched Carla Gilbrid as a general adviser to EOC, and is replaced by Andrew Rogers as an Acting Adviser.
Soon after their separation, EEOC president, Andrea Lucas, a Republican, indicated her intention to put the agency’s resources behind the executive order of Trump’s sex. In a statement, it announced that one of its priorities is “defending the biological and biological reality of sex and related rights.” Later, I ordered that EEOC to accept any and all charges of discrimination provided by the workers, despite complaints that “Trump’s order should rise to the” review “headquarters.
“Biology is not fanatic. Biological sex is real, which is important,” Lucas said in her statement. “Bilateral sex (male and female) is not changeable. It is not harassment to recognize these facts – or use a language like pronouns that flow from these facts, even over and over again.” It removed the Agency’s “conscience application”, which allowed employees to display their consciences in Microsoft 365 profiles, among other changes.
Almost all discrimination fees in the workplace must pass via EEOC – at least in the beginning – and the agency’s decision to drop the case against Harmony Hospitality raises serious questions about whether its protection will extend to LGBTQ+ and people who are not like sex.

Harmony Hospitality LLC lawyers immediately responded to emails seeking to get a comment. In the court file, the company rejected allegations of discrimination in a lawsuit against EEOC and said that the prosecutor was “separate from employment” based on “reasonable and legal factors”, although the company did not specify the reasons. The company also said that the prosecutor’s gender did not play any role in any of the company’s actions.
When asked to comment on the cause of the case, an EEOC spokesman answered that the agency will not comment on litigation. But in its rejection proposal, EEOC cited the guidelines of compliance from the Personnel Management Office in the executive system of Trump entitled “Defending women from the extremism of the ideology between the sexes and restoring the biological truth to the federal government” as a reason behind its decision.
“The continuous litigation of EEOC for claims in this procedure may not correspond to the demand and OPM directions,” says.
“I think it is truly unfortunate and an explanation of the great damage caused by the president’s executive order,” said Goslin Samwalese, one of the EEOC Democrats Commissioner, said by e -mail.
“This is the inevitable result when EOC is armed to distinguish in distinguishing greenery against American workers,” Sarah and Erbilo, Vice President of LGBTQ+ Human Rights Law, added in an e -mail.
“Instead of defending the rights of everyone in a workplace free from discrimination, including harassment and bias, the Trump administration shows that it will not protect workers.”