Scientists have discovered a hidden sign of consciousness in coma patients that show that they could hear and understand the world around them.

The study found that the rapid frequencies organized within the patient’s natural sleep patterns when they were exposed to stimuli such as the doctor’s talk.

The researchers at the University of Colombia analyzed 226 patients of modern coma, taking into account a third of the unique shirts – a phenomenon called by scientists “spindle of sleep.”

The Colombia team explained that the basic brain circuits of awareness are also the key to how to sleep.

Moreover, scientists have said that coma patients who suffer from this type of “hidden awareness” showed signs that they were already on their way to recovery from their brain injuries, and many were exposed to fewer disabilities later in life.

Among those showing spindle of sleep, 76 percent showed a level of awareness before leaving the hospital and more than 40 percent have regained some of their nervous functions.

The lead author Jean Classine, associate professor of neuroscience, said this discovery provides new hope for families with their loved ones with serious injuries.

“We are at an exciting crossroads in nervous care, where we know that many patients seem to be unconscious, but some are recovering without our knowledge,” Classen said.

“We started raising the cap and we find some signs of recovery during its occurrence,” the author of the main study continued.

Scientists have discovered unique signs of coma patient sleep patterns, and they revealed that they had a “hidden” level of awareness

The relationship between some brain circles and sleep Important to explain a situation called cognitive motor disintegration, as unconscious patients still show evidence of consciousness during brain scanning processes but they have no ability to discover to respond to external stimuli – like someone who talks to them.

To date, scientists have mainly focused on EEG records to see if coma patients are still conscious.

These records test to detect deformities in the brain waves, based on the extent to which the person who is subject to EEG responds to the doctor’s instructions, such as opening and closing his hands. However, Classen noted that these records can lead to false negative results.

Therefore, the Colombia team turned its focus into tracking the activity in the patterns of the brain wave during normal sleep.

“The electric activity during sleep seems relative, then sometimes in some patients, these highly organized fast frequencies appear,” Classen explained.

The assistant professor pointed out that these unique explosions in the middle of everything in everything in chaos are sleep spindle that shows hidden awareness within the mind of the coma.

“The spinning occurs naturally during sleep and they show a level of regulation in the brain, indicating that the circles between the mulch and the crust needed for consciousness are sound.”

Criticism works like a deportation station of your mind, while the dandruff contributes to high brain functions such as memory, thinking, learning, thinking and solving problems.

Brain activity is sleep spindle. The researchers said that it shows that unconscious patients can still hear and understand what is happening around them

Brain activity is sleep spindle. The researchers said that it appears that unconscious patients can still hear and understand what is happening around them

According to Cleveland clinicAll information coming from your body senses (except for the smell) must be processed by the hyda before sending it to the brain cortex for the interpretation.

For patients in the Classen study, the spindle shows that they still hear people talk and feel that they are pressing on their hands, and these sensations are still going to the brain cortex where the mind interacts with what happens – even if people who sit next to them are not able to see a noticeable reaction.

During the study, the researchers examined EEG recordings over the eve of 226 coma patients. This group also underwent a more complicated test of the disintegration of the cognitive engine. The team pointed out that all these injuries were modern, and its results may not apply to those with long -term disorders that cause consciousness.

Study in Nature Medicine Focus specifically on sleeping among patients in a coma after a recent brain injury.

The results revealed that 87 patients have offered signs of both sleep spindle and disintegration of the cognitive engine.

Those who have clear signs of sleep spindle in brain waves were more likely to restore awareness.

They were also probably recovering from severe brain injury with a simple nervous deficiency or moderate disability.

Meanwhile, 19 out of 139 coma patients who did not suffer from sleep spindle or cognitive kinetic disintegration of any level of consciousness.

“I see this spindle as a way to direct the most advanced tests for patients to benefit,” said Classen. “The techniques are not ready to use in clinical practice yet, but this is something we are working on now.”

The author of the main study added that their study does not prove that the creation of sleep spindle can help patients with brain injuries to restore awareness, but there are signs that the transfer of these patients to areas that enhance better sleep can improve the chances of recovery.

If you are thinking about the intensive care unit environment, this is annoying to sleep a good night. There is noise everywhere, warnings explode, doctors touch, 24/7. This is all for a good reason, but it is difficult to sleep in that environment.


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