DAwwwwwwwm pain if you are exposed to Sweden? Are fly pain when its wings are pulled? Is the ant happy source? If so, they may be emotional beings, which means that they “can feel”, a little or a lot, as we do.

Disinology of invertebrates has become a more vibrant discussion, and with the new science we get new visions. But Dr. Andrew Chromb of the Royal Veterinary College, which helped ensure the amendment of the new UK laws that recognize zoology to include large mollusks in sevenode and Diboud crustaceans – octopus, corner Karakand, and sea cancer for you – this is not clear at all.

Nerve systems are very complex, identifying awareness and science – not only automatic automatic reactions – difficult. Are the responses or reactions you see from an animal – whether it is a wolf or a wolf ant – or automatic reactions? Cromb and his colleagues I found that beesFor example, robots were not simple stimulus, but their reaction to stimuli was in advanced ways dependent on the context. It was found to learn the color signals of their decisions on nutrition-the choice of painful feverish sugars that I avoided before when the unveiled options were low sugar concentration. So they bartered through the treatment in the brain and then adjust their behavior.

In fact, new research has shown that many responses in the largest invertebrates were complex, long -term and very consistent with the pain criteria that were initially produced for vertebrates such as mice. Octopus, for example, amazing exploits of learning can lead to avoiding painful environments and choosing pain climbing environments. All this determines and determines “feelings” in organisms that differ from us.

The work of CROMP and other scholars means that the animal welfare law 2022 recognized for the first time in the UK Law (the laws of vertebrates were covered by the European Union) that some invertebrates can “feel”, and require amendments to their treatment in Regions such as agriculture and research.

But what does this mean for many trillion from the smaller invertebrates? Nothing yet.

We will not stop all human effects on invertebrates; It is an impossible task, given that we send 8 billion destroyed bulls and extractors in the China store for their ecosystems and have relied over centuries on protein from eating wild invertebrates all over the world. But the cultivation of new industrial errors – breeding creatures such as shrimps, bees and black soldiers for use as a germ for humans and farm animals – needs attention. The huge new industrial cattle system grows in developed countries. Do they see and slaughter animals?

We have created laws to protect other organisms such as cows and chicken. Why not give the smallest some protection either? It is clear that the time has come for a broader law on the feelings of all invertebrates. Nobody can really know how the bees feel hungry. Or how the butterfly feels heat. But defining the criteria or marks to measure “feelings” has worked for octopus, so we hope that for unusually varied invertebrates is unusual.

Experts are now building evidence, taking it beyond amateurs, can guess our human experience. A new paper in Science describes how these signs were found in insects, indicating that there may be conscious experiences, that is, “feelings”. It is not only about pain – researchers are also trying to develop signs of joy. Ideally, the new laws will lead to real improvements in the welfare of the invertebrates cultivated in the United Kingdom and abroad, and should guarantee the calculation of animal census throughout policy and decision -making.

However, although science gets us, we can use the evaluation principle: we can assume that the invertebrates can be feelings, but in a different way that may be designed in millions of years of development before our arrival.

As Tolstoy said: “If you feel pain, then you are alive. If you feel the pain of others, then you are a person.” You only need to replace the word “people” with “creatures” everyone The pain of others. We must always guarantee, at least, that we have the highest social care methods in education and slaughter for these wonderful animals. I think that for most of us, it looks like the right thing to do.

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Vicky Hurd He is the author of a book Reorganization

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