Former New York Governor Andrew Como announced on Saturday the launch of his attempt to become the next mayor of New York City.

Komo, who resigned from his position in 2021 after accusing him of sexual harassment more than ten women – including some of his employees – began to think about the municipal race a week before the announcement, CBS News I mentioned. It joins the race, at the time of publication, eight other democracy OpponentsIncluding the current mayor, Eric Adams, who was accused of federal corruption on September 26, 2024.

The Trump Department of Justice has dropped the charges of bribery against Adams on February 10, 2025. In addition to a leadership crisis that included senior Adams administration officials, the city faces issues such as high rent and crime and providing migrants with resources.

Como described the city as “out of control” in 17 minutes advertisement Posted online.

“We know that New York City today is in trouble. It feels it when walking on the street and trying not to contact the eye with a mentally ill shelter or when anxiety rises in your chest while you are walking on the subway. You see it in the empty storefronts, writings, dirt, flow of migrants, and random violence.” “The city feels threat and out of control and crises.”

He also claimed that the circumstances of the city exist because of “an act of our political leaders, or specifically, the lack of smart action by many of our political leaders.” (Related: “Love is Ruler”, Andrew Como dominates the New York City mayor’s field: poll).

Como previously denied the allegations of sexual harassment against him, but he stepped down as a ruler for the dismissal investigation on August 10, 2021. The Office of the New York Lawyer Littia James claimed that Komo had invented an enemy work environment with a proposed, urgent, abusive and insulting touch. His legal team filed a lawsuit against many of its accused, as well as the James office, according to the perpetrator.

The Outlet reported that the Cuomo administration was also accused of lying about the number of people who died in the care homes during the Covid-19 pandemic, according to The Outlet. Thousands of positive patients were allowed to enter the elderly care homes, which contributed to the death of an estimated 12,743 as a result of the direction of the CUOMO administration. (Related: Cuomo blames “federal guidance” for the death of the Nursing House in the Ministry of Health)

He admitted the “mistakes” committed during his time in office.

“Did you always do everything right in government service years? Of course not. Will I do some things differently knowing what I know now? Certainly. Have you committed mistakes?

“I think I learned from them and that I am a better person for that.” “I promise you, and I know what to do, and I know how to do it.”

The Cuomo campaign provides an opportunity to rehabilitate not only its political position, but its image in the eyes of the public, including critics.

While he was in office, Komo publicly erupted with President Trump, including the irony of the current Republican campaign slogan, which led to criticism from the Republican Party.

“We will not make America great again. Komo said after the speech of August 15, 2018:” It was never great. “We did not reach the greatness. We will reach the bone when every American is fully involved. “

Cuomo has also renounced life -supporting conservatives and conservatives supporting the soldiers as an “extremist” during a radio interview on January 19, 2014 I mentioned By the New York Times, go to the claim that there was no place for them in New York:

Their problem is not me and the Democrats. Their problem is themselves. Who are they? Are these extremist conservatives who are their right to life, or weapons supporting enjoyment, and homosexuals? Is this who are they? Because if this is the one who are the extremist conservatives, they will not have a place in New York State, because this is not the residents of New York.

Como is already supported by his campaign, as Democratic Representative Richie Torres approved him a few days before the announcement, CBS I mentioned Monday. PAC Super was also formed to collect $ 15 million for the Como’s campaign on Wednesday, the New York Times I mentioned.

“When it comes to confronting political extremism in New York, when it comes to facing the crime crisis, we do not need a gentle man, but a strong man like Andrew Como,” Torres said.

last ReactionsAnd especially from the other major candidates, they were less warm.

“Andrew Como is for himself and alone, and he hopes that the population of New York will forget his catastrophic record of our city of endless scandals, the destruction of the metro, and the cut of basic services,” said City Brad Lander, the mayor’s candidate, according to the New York Times.

The Democratic Primary Primary in New York City ends on June 24, 2025.

Editor Note: This report has been updated with additional details.


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