General daily analysis for December 31, 2024
Thought and action are required for us to reach a happier future. The Moon in Capricorn encourages a little last-minute hard work as it levels Saturn. Our efforts should pay off handsomely as Mercury trines Chiron at 2:41 AM EST, helping us face our fears and get rid of them before the year is out. The Moon will then square Chiron, which will hit the nail on the head, before testing Uranus, and ending 2024 with one final — albeit pleasant — jolt.
March 21 – April 19
Open your eyes to the universe! A supportive trine between Mercury in your ungainly ninth house and Chiron in your stubborn sign gives you the opportunity to transcend any historical limitations or outdated expectations that have held you back or made you feel like you weren’t good enough. The more you try to overcome outdated thought patterns, the happier you will be able to move forward and become. Give yourself the gift of freedom!
April 20 – May 20
You’re not alone, no matter what your anxiety says. The stars are coming together to remind you that there is support on offer as Mercury in your eighth house of trust forms a beneficial trine to Chiron in your twelfth house of the subconscious. Their alignment sends a dose of positivity your way! This energy invites you to ignore old fears about abandonment or lack of care. Embrace this sense of belonging by reaching out to your loved ones and reminding them how much you value them.
May 21 – June 20
A little socialization is just what the doctor ordered. Your ruler Mercury is in your partnership zone, placing great emphasis on the important people in your life, even if Chiron’s trine in your global eleventh house prompts you to think in broader terms and be open to lesser-known connections. You’re probably already surrounded by great friends and family! However, a stranger or acquaintance can become something much more and, in the process, bring a lot of positivity into your life.
June 21 – July 22
There is no need to jump over any hurdles on your way to the finish line. In fact, the stars are lining up to make your progress much easier as Mercury is in your effective sixth house, and Chiron is in your professional tenth house. Between them, they create a clear path to your victory. A co-worker or client may come forward to help you specifically with your ascension, so you don’t have to handle it all on your own.
July 23 – August 22
Go ahead and enjoy yourself! With messenger Mercury in your expressive fifth house, and taming emotional Chiron in your earthly ninth house, it’s time to look beyond what you know in the name of finding more joy and happiness. There may be new ways of doing things or thinking about the world, any of which can make you feel lighter and more open to positive possibilities. Consciously seize these opportunities, and you can be sure that they will follow you back in return.
August 23 – September 22
Being honest about your needs is the best way to achieve them. Sometimes it’s easy not to say things or for people to misunderstand and make assumptions about who knows what, but today’s conversation between Mercury in your clarifying fourth house and Chiron in your intimate eighth house should clear things up. It encourages you to communicate what you want, so there is no room for mistakes or confusion. The more honest and specific you are, the better the outcome.
September 23 – October 22
Communication is key when it comes to your most important communications. Messenger Mercury in your Mercury third house aligns with healing Chiron in your communication sector, which can help you mend any issues that may have arisen between you and a particular person recently. Instead of avoiding things or hoping problems will solve themselves, take initiative by opening up a dialogue that allows everyone to get what they want from the situation – within reason, of course.
the scorpion
October 23 – November 21
A little creative thinking can lead to fruitful results. A trine between cosmic communicator Mercury in your practical work sector and Chiron in your everyday work sector qualifies you to work smarter, not harder. If you’re a little overwhelmed by the way things have been or feel like you’re getting nowhere, take a step back and reevaluate the situation. Maybe there was something you were missing, a correct solution that no one noticed. Look closely and you can find it.
November 22 – December 21
Don’t withhold your shine for anyone or anything. You have every right to express your opinion as Mercury transits your optimistic sign. It will be impossible to remain silent while Mercury trines Chiron in your 5th house of creativity. You don’t need to be a performer, artist or anything like that to tap into this energy. Just allow yourself the space to freely express your thoughts and feelings, and you’ll feel better than you’ve felt in ages.
December 22 – January 19
Allow your intuition to guide you. Your mind moves in slightly unusual ways as it slides through your careful twelfth house, but you can still get to the heart of the matter at hand as Mercury trines Chiron in your careful fourth house. You don’t need to think your way forward today, you need to feel your way forward. Make an effort to trust your intuition, because it may know something your mind misses. You have your instincts for a reason.
January 20 – February 18
A sense of community is an important part of feeling a sense of belonging. There is a strong emphasis on connecting with people near and far, as Mercury in the 11th House of Organizations assigns Chiron in the 3rd House of Living. The last thing you should do is play the lone wolf! Gather your nearest and dearest, or even just a few of your more casual acquaintances, and hit the town for a day you want.
February 19 – March 20
You deserve to feel appreciated, Pisces. It is unfortunate that others may not realize this. However, you can hope for the best as Mercury in your reputation sector trines Chiron in your security-minded second house. Someone might say or do something that shows how important you really are to them, and to a wider group of people too! Don’t let ignorant strangers make you think that all your hard work has gone unnoticed. People may not always say it, but they’re glad you’re here.