Image by David Pelis on Unlike

Snow and ice temperatures and freezing can complicate things during the winter months. Even the journey below the corridor can be disastrous. Fortunately, laughter is a great way to heat us all the way to our heart!

Image by Seiya Maeda on Unlike

Laugh at the expense of another person

It is not always something we admit, but the fact is that when someone else takes a leak, we find it funny. A British wife asked her husband to remove the garbage. The atmosphere was very cold. This simple monitor left her in crying as she laughed very much about her husband’s misfortunes.

When she saw what was happening, she immediately reached her phone to record the accident.

Alon Miles, the husband, tried to move the trash from the corridor to the sidewalk. The thin layer of black ice made it more difficult than it should have been.

Image by Bruno from Pixabay

So, what happened?

Alon remained sliding throughout the corridor. His wife and children were wandering as they saw what was happening. The garbage truck traveled beyond him because he had no box at the sidewalk yet. Meanwhile, you can hear his wife give some tips – to put the box in front of him. This may be the funniest part of the entire video.

The good news is that he did not really hurt. He managed to get the box to the limit. Thanks to his wife, I posted the video online so that we could get some laughter.


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