Boys Dog are sitting at the Ministry of Credit Education meeting: Lawrado/Getty Embs

Editor’s note: Do you have a question about what is supposed to be our national strategic encryption reserve? Do not ask Matt. He does not understand fake money, even if he is trying to transfer a homemade gift certificate that authorizes his wife “on an animal night” every day Valentine’s Day instead of actual gifts. Any other questions? Ask dat in

Dear Matt,
I can’t stand to watch the news anymore. So I am a kind of missing path. Who wins the culture of culture?
Fatigue in Phoenix

Not we are tired, if you are very bold to contact you with your first name. And the beginning of “we”, I mean the few, pride, and endangered standards, which cannot afford everything that is politicized until we beg to our mothers or the injection of the pentoparbital – which is easier. It is recognized that I am emotional in nature, so I am able to nostalgia for the past even while it is still present. But now I am officially not some of the legendary era of good government – which may have never existed – but for an era I had to think of it much at all. People with solid hair styles and with a little room temperature just a few kind of convicts and screaming on this topic. Whether they succeeded or did not succeed, they looked at their work as running their feuds in peace and semi -bleak, rather than waking up every day to know which half of the country can launch the cultural war, as if they were receiving their salaries by the isolated citizen.

A long time ago, I was a friend of the late Andrew Prosta. Before delayed, and before Andrew called, X-Tureme Culture Warrior! When I first met him, he was just loved, if he was hard, joking and joking, who might say, with joy in a crowd of hostile demonstrators. He once asked me to teach him how to fly fish when his doctor told him that he needed to slow stress levels. Then I think he is better than him, admitting, “Every time I see a tree, I just want to kick its ass.” (I I love trees, myselfBut points of honesty.

I think it will be happy because all Yutz in the comment, seeks to wrap their arms around the current chaos, and now they are biblionus as if they were lacking a blind original vision. Do not understand me wrong, it was a great vision at that time. But I think she lived her useful. Because politics is no longer the course of the river from culture. policy He is Culture. Do not believe me? Think about any field of your life that did not remain without politics, but this has been actively distorted – whether it is your religion, sports, entertainment or family relationships. If the policy is a retail for sale, it will be 7-leven: it is always open, a kind of dirty, which meets its highest levels of sugar and people who believe that cylinder dogs are edible, and forever are vulnerable to moving to the worst elements in society.

I know that most readers will assume that I blame the right, and they are right. Because I passed as a right, and therefore, I had a bench on the track to see the right, he made a great mistake. But let’s not let the leftists completely outside the hook. Even a long time before the charming hunting in WokeSter of twenty years of age, they have caused a lot of stupidity of the culture war against the government. In 2009, Derby covered the government diversity in Orlando – I used to cover a lot of amazing amazing – that set the table with the historical context of time:

… … Civil rights activists in the fifties and sixties have made the way to more opportunistic social experts, gender studies, sex study, confrontation group lovers who were very unqualified to find a work of dungeons for pets or cashier in the dollar store, and thus outperform diversification consultations, and welded diversification. They cut the employees in the “DodgeBall” games or made them advance in their white franchise magazines or the “ordinary people” with the associated diversity coach on Autoharp. Diversity training has become the equivalent of companies for influenza divorce: no one was sure of his success, but he made the presidents feel achieved and pre -emptive. The presence is often mandatory, especially if you face your company, such as Denny’s or Texaco, litigation discrimination. If they do not, they will have a diversity training in any case, as compensation if they do later.

The entire funny scene was brilliantly captured in the “Day of Diversity” episode of Office:

… In any Michael Scott, the ignorant Caucasian director of the Skranton branch office for the paper company, he must see his forces subject to the training of diversity after he conducted the beloved Chris Rock routine (how Chris Rock can do a protein, and everyone finds this happy and professional; then I go to the same routine, the timing of the same comedy, and his person. (I hope that every day is the day of diversity. “

But my topic, present at the multicultural national conference, all the participants in and/or compete for the Business Development Program 8 (A) of the Small Business Association – mainly, will present themselves at cocktail parties from the outskirts of cocktail, as is the case in the birth of a cocktail. That was not busy buses in Pearl Harbor, as the name suggests, but the creation of safety systems in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. His owner presented himself to me, as if he was handing me a work card, such as, “I am Hawaii and I am Sheroki! In fact, there are four total names: 8 (a), the small deprived state of work, the veteran reliable service, and Uhhh, what is the other? The original situation!”

“The defect”, it turned out, had advantages.

But of course, as in our current policy, for every stupid work, there is an equal and opposite stupid reaction. Often, even stupid. Defense Minister of Witnesses/previous weekends Fox and friends The host, Higseth House – a more oil -made oil man. Determination to launch a war not against Russia or China, but a cultural war on the Pentagon, Young Pitt is hell to clean our men in anything that resembles the smell. (Can our Special Forces “Ops Black”? Or is the “black” nasal woke up too?)

Pete Greasy, his credit is practiced in Pentagon: Getty Images

Thus, as Associated Press I mentioned recently (Fresh from existence Prohibited From the White House’s coverage of not facing it with the decree of the Ministry of Truth in His Majesty, to call the Gulf of Mexico the name “The Gulf of America”), Pete Greasy commanded the army to cancel anything that afflicts it from the DEI content of its image archives, with 26,000 pictures for removal, which said one official that can end as much as it spoils 100,000 pictures.

Among the “offensive” content? Well, apparently, the Enola Gay image, which dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima. (Not to burn tens of thousands of civilians, but because “gay” is in the title of the bomber.) AP He said, “Because she stated that they were recording data about fish – including weight, size, towers and sex.” Sex being a source of anxiety wokester!

How can you get ice? Well, a Pentagon spokesman explained that Minister Higseth announced that “Dei had died.” So this proves, I think? Apparently, sound logic has also died.

But this is the arms race in which warriors participate in culture forever. (It is an endless war.) They try to hit half of the population to submit, using their very necessary functions to carry out unnecessary grudges. Issues that are best to keep between them and the therapists.

It is sufficient to make Normie eager to World War III. Certainly, all death and deprivation will absorb. But at least we will be (finally) against real enemies, instead of fictitious enemies.


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The bonus pathTalking about the dirty small wars, here is a song you always loved, called “Dirty Little War”, from Will hoge. One of the best songs ever written about divorce – as in marital diversity, not national divorce. There is some gentle guitar outside the camera, and you have to respect Hoge, who managed to pull a good sound without spitting its gum.


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