A man with a lengthy criminal history was previously in the field of United States and customs enforcement (ICE) running after being accused of touching a 7 -year -old girl in Texas while she was walking home from school.

The Houston Police Administration said that Carlos Jose Ayala Morales, 43, was charged with a felony inappropriate with a child. He is accused of seizing the girl on January 27 while she was on her way home from her primary school, Fox Houston I mentioned.

The girl and her mother told the news perpetrator that she was walking behind her older sister and friend. They said that the man ran, touched and fled. The girl did not shout because she was shocked and told her older sister when she got home.

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Carlos Jose Ayala Morales, 43, accused of touching a young Houston girl. (Houston Police Department)

The girl told the station: “A man came behind me, and he did not touch my own parts.”

Her mother said: “I hope that he will be arrested and put him longer, so he cannot harm other children,” her mother said.

Morales has a lengthy criminal history. In 2017, he was accused of four inappropriate charges with a child and evaded detention.

At that time, the police believed that Morales, which they called Ayala, was linked to “at least 10 sexual assault incidents in Houston Province and Harris Province.”

The authorities were investigating a series of “sexual assaults on female juveniles of school age, from 7 to 15 years, while traveling to and from school,” according to the news port.

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Carlos Jose Ayala Morales claims the security video

Police said that Carlos Jose Ayala Morales, 43, was arrested on a video of observation before he touched the young Texas girl. (Houston Police Department)

“Ayala was behind the victims and touching them inappropriately through their clothes,” says a police press release.

In one of the accidents, Ayala tried to kidnap one of the victims, a 7 -year -old female, walking home from school with her 9 -year -old brother, “the police said.

“Reading that made me very afraid, because that could have been [my child]The victim’s mother said.

When he was arrested in 2017, ICE submitted a detained request for Morales, a Honduran citizen, who was raised when he was convicted.

The Texas Fox Criminal Ministry of Justice has told the prison to postpone the simultaneous sentences for seven years on charges of circumventing a child through exposure, three charges inappropriately with a child, evading arrest, and detention with a vehicle and theft.

Police said that Carlos Jose Ayala Morales was alleged after a little girl caught.

Police said that Carlos Jose Ayala Morales was seen after a little girl. (Houston Police Department)

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In February 2024, he was released in the wise ice.

Fox News Digital has arrived at ICE.


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